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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Report on the news said the first 128 miles of track is already somewhere between three and four times over budget.
  2. This has been a very tough, spirited battle tonight against the nucks. Tied at 1 after two periods.
  3. Neat thing the Kings did for tonight's game. They brought along the dads of the players on the flight to Vancouver.
  4. Anaheim signed him, eh? Good luck, kid. We sure could use the help.
  5. Headlines in the fish wrap on Sunday- Scrivens loses again. The Times sucks. Talk about misleading.
  6. I agree about Abraham leaking info to the senator. Something about him makes me distrust him. The stuff with Dana was tough Emotionally, but understandable. When Carrie took Brody to see Dana I thought he was going to bolt. Sure interested to see how his mission goes in Iran.
  7. Guess I'll have to load up on napkins, Clorox, and a new pooper scooper shovel. See you at 8.
  8. You're welcome, but please don't leave a ton of Cheetos on the couch next week. My wife was a bit annoyed and dog had a really rough night, if you know what I mean.
  9. Anything by Arcade Fire. They look goofy, too.
  10. Wow, what a solid episode tonight.
  11. MSM never discusses the status of things in Afghanistan.
  12. Wow, who knew we had so many 13 year old girls posting on this website. Welcome, ladies! I'm watching the first movie tomorrow.
  13. That would be both impressive and pathetic to an unprecedented level.
  14. Just break out the middle tines of a spork and you should be good to go.
  15. The lobby of the Hyatt is usually filled with "regular" women modeling lingerie. Enjoy!
  16. What if this was the beginning of a series of moves that nets the halos the missing starting pitching that's needed?
  17. the first vcr i owned had a wired remote with only one control button on it - pause. dumbest thing ever. lol.
  18. i gotta admit, there's a part of me that would love to throw on a wig and a plaid suit jacket and show up to interview with adam and his assistant.
  19. yep, too bad they couldn't get another past schneider. lots of good chances . . . on to saturday.
  20. um, players who sign entry level contracts don't really include bonus clauses for awards/performance, as far as i know. i'm sure trout's agent will address this at some point.
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