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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Great game all the way around!
  2. I don't care who you are, that's a party right there.
  3. Well, isn't that just dandy? Now what am I supposed to get you?!?
  4. And remember, just a year ago this team saw value in signing Blanton to a two year contract, a move that no one here really anticipated.
  5. A guy like Jerome is easily replaced. His value is that he can relieve or spot start. If his agent pushes for him to only be a starter, then you say thanks and wish him luck for whatever team signs him next.
  6. DORSAL AND PECTORAL FIN ATTACK! *apologies to ray.
  7. there's always some good deals to be had. best buy had an in-store sale: iphone 5c plus 16g ipad for $297. pretty insane savings. wife picked up a small tv for the kitchen, a 19" hdtv for $100. doesn't need to be amazing, just a bit bigger than what she had. we were out for a bit this afternoon. not too bad. i don't understand bull-rushing the front door and trampling a man to death like they did in long island today. how do you live with yourself if you were one of the ones who stomped on that dude so you could save a few bucks? been several postings on facebook today about how black friday is the day we lose our compassion after such a great day of thanks for all we have.
  8. Spring training invite and see what he has. If his stuff is effective, then his velocity issues can be overcome.
  9. no tank. sorry. always enjoy going to these but not able to make it this year. tell victor's mom i said howdy.
  10. happy thanksgiving, everyone. i'm thankful for a place to talk about angels baseball and so many other subjects. you guys have taught me much, made me see some things differently, and made me laugh almost daily (except for adam). thanks for being so accepting of this vegetarian saturday worshipper.
  11. no, stradling. they didn't realize yet how much they hated us.
  12. Enjoy your day, everyone. If you're driving somewhere, drive safely. So what's your favorite thing to eat on turkey day? I've got two things - we have a sweet potato dish that's awesome (none of those stupid little marshmallows, either), and an acorn squash dish that has velvet a and bread in it. Fantastic.
  13. I think one would be decidedly worse than the other. Sorry, Ray.
  14. I think it's a waste of energy to get emotional about the team in November when they haven't finished tweaking their roster or played even an inning of spring training.
  15. That'd be pretty helpful.
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