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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I thought this was going to be another tipping thread.
  2. Mora'sgot a great thing going at UCLA. No reason to leave, none at all.
  3. The hate is strong in you, Cory.
  4. Saw that video on Facebook. Someone commented "why didn't the guy taking the video out down the camera and help?" Probably because it was a raging inferno by the time he got there.
  5. yeah, i gotta agree with you. this deal is a huge surprise. he could be as good as he was in tampa or he could become their version of blanton. i'm guessing it'll be the ladder of the two.
  6. that's what you get for being a PS 3 kind of guy.
  7. thank, GB. turning that wedding gown into a bird (a mocking jay, was it?) was a pretty darn cool effect and reminded me very much of what stickboy often does with his dresses.
  8. so, in other words, the terrorists have won. way to go, adam.
  9. we've all seen several car vs. tree crashes over the years, but i'm amazed at how completely demolished that car is and how intact the somewhat small tree is.
  10. yeah, very intense last night. a good reminder that there's often something that gets in the way of our best laid plans. final two episodes should be great. the iranian they turned reminded us last night that he's just a pig of a person. interesting to watch the senator through this op. last night was maybe the first time he wasn't a total tool. for you military folks, can you explain something - can a drone hover, like a helicopter?
  11. it's a brilliant strategy, really. cia guy claims to be in on it, but no one can verify. a few mafia people were involved, but no one can verify. oswald was in on it, but could never verify. ruby was in on the coverup, but it was never verified. etc. etc. etc.
  12. ken, if i've unloaded on you at any time, i apologize. we're generally accepting of new people here unless they don't play nicely. now that we know, you should be okay. keep on posting.
  13. ". . . and changed directions, in MID-AIR, mind you . . ."
  14. i'd like to see the msm report frequently on bills being debated and voted on in congress, not just the occasional controversial one.
  15. one of my close friends had heart surgery at Christmas, went into a coma within a week, and lingered until early april. absolutely miserable. i think we all hope that when it's time, the end comes quickly.
  16. can someone explain the fire that shows up whenever she twirls around? if it's some kind of weapon, why hasn't she used it in battle? if it's just for special effects, what's the point? is the title "catching fire" supposed to tie in to her fiery display?
  17. we would be if he missed three field goals in one game.
  18. Because USC players would NEVER do something like that!
  19. your worst than the cat who killed the trees your literary worst than shit please Go die in a Hole Kill yourself and lose your sole And I hope you get rapped There are some works Audrey Geisel will never release. Today 10:22am
  20. If I'm the coach, I call that young man over and invite him to have a seat for the rest of the game. There just isn't any reason whatsoever to ever drop the ball while crossing the goal line, and nonsense like that can nullify the hard work the team has put in on the drive. Not acceptable, ever.
  21. Great game all the way around!
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