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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Lifelong republican. How awesome would it be to roam around AF2? If the price to do that would be talking to Biden, that's fine by me. Heck, I'd even talk to ol' Barry himself.
  2. Tank


    I'm sure you already know this, but the galaxy note 10 was developed by grad students at the Ohio state university.
  3. That wouldn't make any difference to me. How many other opportunities are you going to get to do something like that?
  4. What idiot turns down a flight on Air Force two?
  6. Fine. I'll just take my gingerbread bundt cake and go elsewhere.
  7. Iced tea blows. Strawberry lemonade is where it's at, homie.
  8. While there aren't enough of them out there, there are quite a number of people willing to adopt children from all kinds of different circumstances.
  9. I think that might be one that my brother used to own. Orale.
  10. I think the people who need to listen to it are those involved as first responders and emergency procedures. They can be useful training tools for people in those areas. Generally speaking, I don't need to hear these calls nor do I need to dissect them. Most people here don't need to, either.
  11. in reading the original article, i didn't really find much to object about. i agree with his idea that it's best for a baby to have two parents instead of one, generally speaking. i'd also rather see kids adopted than aborted.
  12. as it turns out, that's pretty much the most perfect name out there.
  13. a good man with an inspiring story. could have been filled with a lot of hate for what he went through.
  14. great, so we'll get to see rihanna trolling the sidelines!
  15. got the same email this morning. looks like a good deal. will think about going.
  16. i always figured if you planned on making mcdonalds a career then you'd better get into management. if you're 33 and raising a family but still working the fry machine, things have possibly gone very wrong for you or your lack of drive has been exposed. i think you could make a decent career for yourself if you got into management or became a franchise owner. a high school or college kid shouldn't expect to be making $15 an hour at a fast food place.
  17. got to see him in person once. there was a sandwich shop (west l.a.?) owned by speilberg called "sub" and it was shaped to make you feel like you were eating under the sea. while we were walking in, don adams was outside walking one of the smallest dogs i've ever seen. i asked the hostess about him and she said adams was a real ahole, especially when it came to his dog, and that the staff there didn't really like him. i told her that was pretty typical for anyone named adam.
  18. seems more like a video explanation of the wells-for-napoli trade.
  19. childbirth is a tough thing. watching your wife struggle through it? nothing harder to watch, especially since there's really nothing you can do to help. you're just there to comfort and help her keep focused. my wife was 39 when our daughter was born, and it was a difficult delivery. i'm sitting at her feet and all i can think about is the ten thousand stories i'd heard all my life about women who died during childbirth. i could hardly stand it. because our daughter didn't drop done far enough, the doc had to use a suction cup to help get her out. cup kept popping off. he said "this is the last attempt. if she doesn't come out this time, we're going to do a c-section." that would have probably been a whole lot easier to watch. i didn't stick around to watch him do the episiotomy or to sew it up.
  20. my brother owned a couple of dollar stores with a few business partners. worst experience of his life working with a couple those guys. jay leno does a segment once in a while called "things we found at the dollar store". always some hilarious crap. one time he found a cassette album from his band leader (kevin eubanks ).
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