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Everything posted by Tank

  1. only if you mean anna kendrick.
  2. how do you like yours? put anything fancy or exotic in yours? just a plain american cheese kind of guy?
  3. i'll bet there's a good mcjobs joke in here somewhere, but darned if i can find it.
  4. sorry to see him not come back to anaheim. we lost a lot of good joke material by him going elsewhere.
  5. "If you analyze on the offensive side our season last year, although maybe we underachieved because maybe some guys were struggling a little. Still we scored enough runs to reach our goal. I think it's real clear we're going to be ‑‑ to go down very deep on the layers of our club to understand, our starters didn't pitch at a certain point in the game, some of our starters, C.J. Wilson had a terrific season. Some guys struggled to get us there. Missed Jered Weaver for a long time. I think there are components on our club that will come together. And we're very comfortable in the challenge of bridging that gap that you're talking about in getting there. It's definitely something we can achieve. And I think what Boston did is a great indication, two years ago, of what they did last year. I think we have the same potential to hopefully do what they did." i think English Cop's head just exploded.
  6. whenever these talks come up, hamilton, ontario is always one of the cities mentioned. maybe it's their time to push hard for a team. the fans in florida, outside of that whole rat thing several years ago, just don't support their team, and now the league really needs to step in and do something.
  7. wow, what a game! six different goal scorers - good to spread it around. jones looks pretty impressive. i think we're in good hands for as long as Quick needs to recover. this defense - wow. they're playing their tails off. for all those years we wanted to have an elite team? well, i think we're pretty much there.
  8. well, if el camino ever wanted to step up to the big time, landing saban as coach would get them there quicker.
  9. this post has been brought to you by the law firm of Bob Loblaw.
  10. the crazy thing is, this guy has a phd and works in the behavioral science dept at my alma mater.
  11. there's a new revelation everyday about how screwed up this whole thing has become. come on, congress - do the right thing and repeal this POS.
  12. one of my really, really liberal friends from college just posted on facebook this week "i wish obama could run for a third term."
  13. that's so awesome that he pulled it off. here you have the funeral of such a huge public figure on the world stage and some guy like one of us gets the gig to do sign language. it reminded me of when the u.s. open hired kramer to be a ball boy.
  14. that's a lot of security for a guy whose company makes ottomans.
  15. oh i knew that. it's just that you changed your avatar to otter pops and i figured something must have really ticked you off. i was concerned.
  16. i'm not reading all 43 pages of the trade thread. can someone tell me who we got for him? loved his tape measure shots. wish his slumps would have been less epic. good luck, trumbo.
  17. buddy, are you okay? you seem a bit angry this morning.
  18. yeah, and good luck finding her a key chain or a "this is _________'s room" with her name on it at the airport the next time you travel. i don't think you planned this very well.
  19. ha, that's not the only thing that's off limits for the next several weeks.
  20. i'm with you on this, even though i posted early on in the thread. i can't really point to anything specific at this point that he did outside of how he could have been filled with hate, but he wasn't.
  21. LOL at the idea of a wife already knowing in advance what she wants.
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