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Everything posted by Tank

  1. write one big whopping tithe check to my church. new cars. buy a house. keep dressing in a bitchin way. kings season seats in my own suite. and no, none of you are invited.
  2. future angels was the worst of the worst. he was on every message board out there and managed to get banned from each one because he was always a tool. he and inside pitch used to go at it, and it was amazing. when the halos farm team was at lake elsinore, future angels would hang out down there and write articles about the kids and their prospects for moving up the ladder to anaheim. because the players were young and because he had so much access, he got to know them pretty well and saw how they were still such kids. when we would discuss these kids on the board, he was hyper sensitive about any criticism of them and would very angrily lash out at any poster who said anything even remotely critical. it was as if he was defending his very own children, and he had lost all perspective because he had gotten too close to the players. "you don't know how hard they work!" "you don't know how tough it is for them to be away from home for the first time!" and stuff like that, and then he would blast away personally at the poster. he was horrible to talk with about any of the kids because it was way too personal for him. on one of the boards that booted him, he got extremely personal about something and threatened to sue several people. i don't remember if that was the original aw.com or another board, but he just went too far. i'm sure he probably sleeps in a trent durrington autographed lake elsinore storm jersey every night.
  3. whenever the topic of the OMB comes up and we hear the horror stories that happened there, i'm always thankful i wasn't part of the scene. it was bad enough on aol, but it was usually on a much, much smaller scale. there were times on espn that it was out of control and i hated that there were fans of other teams that couldn't leave us alone to talk about our team. but that was an area where i had to grow and change because i used to do a fair amount of trolling on aol. one of my favorite troll times was 4 or 5 of us decided we were going to punk each MLB team's aol board and we used the name of our favorite mod to create a new fake account. her name was mooky, and we ended up being ghost mooky, mooky spice (that was me), mooky this, mooky that. my thing was to only write in poem form. it was a lot of fun, and man did we catch a lot of crap from people that day. it was all as an april fool's day prank.
  4. i wish that was true where i live. my theaters are never under $9 for a matinee.
  5. the basketball scenes were filmed in my school's gym. i got to watch part of it. the wigs on the players were hilarious. got to see terrence howard, too.
  6. we were there in the late 90s through the early 2000s. what was your screen name? i was halo tank.
  7. it used to be you could catch a matinee and pay substantially less than full price, but now even a matinee is 9 or 10 bucks.
  8. he doesn't also happen to do sign language at huge public events in south africa, does he?
  9. not yet, amigo, but i think this lays the groundwork for it to happen, and it'll happen sooner rather than later. mark my words - hilary gets elected in '16 and fixes the heck out of this, and it'll become mandatory national health insurance run by the good folk in d.c. you think it sucks now? just wait.
  10. i knew brian (af25fan) and inside pitch from the old aol boards. we used to get together with super dave and go to opening night every year for a while. super dave was a good guy who was very generous. brian and inside pitch were fun to hang with. on the aol and grandstand boards we were at times pretty relentless in hammering away at the trolls and the tin foil hats. that old board was losing it's energy so brian invited me to the espn boards and said there were a bunch of good guys there. that eventually led us here. he was, as billy crystal said in the princess bride, mostly right. inside pitch tried to get me on to the scout board, but i just never connected with the crowd there. i invited him here and he eventually made his way. of all the people i've met online, he's the one i respect the most. his baseball knowledge has always impressed me, and he was the guy that introduced me to sabremetrics. it's a blast going to games with him, too.
  11. agreed. and enough from all of "the sky is falling crowd" who think Trout's going to leave in four years if he isn't paid like a lottery winner this year or next.
  12. You Bud Clamato fans are getting a bit cranky.
  13. Echo delta bravo . . . The winds are calm in the channel.tango tango sierra.
  14. cory, please don't use the handrail in the upper deck of the bills stadium to do any snowboarding moves. it often ends poorly. http://keepingscore.blogs.time.com/2013/11/18/fan-falls-from-upper-deck-during-buffalo-bills-game/
  15. mrwicked, splint took on a job as primary forklift driver and concierge for TennAngels ottoman manufacturing plant just outside of nashville.
  16. anyone know what renovations they're thinking about? i hope it involves artificial turf and building a dome so we have only indoor baseball forever.
  17. i'll take it under advisement.
  18. lots of interesting comments in here. you've given me plenty to think about when i succeed dipoto as gm in the next - wait, i probably shouldn't say anything more at this juncture.
  19. This could be horrible: "On the supply side, medicine will become a far less attractive career for talented young people. More doctors will restrict practice or retire early rather than accept lower incomes and work conditions they did not anticipate. Already, many practices are closed to Medicaid recipients, some also to Medicare. The pace of innovation in drugs, medical devices and delivery is expected to slow significantly, as higher taxes and even rationing set in."
  20. "In the nearer term, a political iceberg looms next year. Insurance companies usually submit proposed pricing to regulators in the summer, and the open enrollment period begins in the fall for plans starting Jan. 1. Businesses of all sizes that currently provide health care will have to offer ObamaCare's expensive, mandated benefits, or drop their plans and—except the smallest firms—pay a fine. Tens of millions of Americans with employer-provided health plans risk paying more for less, and losing their policies and doctors to more restrictive networks. The administration is desperately trying to delay employer-plan problems beyond the 2014 election to avoid this shock."
  21. i'm in agreement with you, but i see that this is eventually going to be a national health insurance and all of us will be covered by it (except for congress and union members). my concern is that the problems we see now will result in more plans like you and i have getting cancelled and that eventually we too will end up using obamacare. i don't want to lose the plan i have, but i see it as an inevitability.
  22. no, no you're not. i have that song on constant repeat in my head. it helps me get through the day.
  23. i hope saul is still on the show. i like his character and that whatever plans he puts together almost always seem to be the right ones. i'm glad carrie is giving up her baby, but i was puzzled how her family, who should know her so well by now, seemed to think she'd be a good mom and tried to talk her out of it. she's headed to istanbul, which is a huge problem, but worse is that she's going to be a single mom with mental problems. no way should they saddle her with a kid. it'll be like dexter having his wife's kids hanging around, and in carrie's case it will only bog down the story. i was half expecting carried to bring home brody's body. i like what she did on the wall of honor in the cia.
  24. Powerful conclusion. Looking forward to where they go next year. At least Brody didn't become a lumberjack in the PNW.
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