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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Only when Laura Diaz and I are out for a cruise.
  2. thanks kurt. any interest in expanding this next year to include division winners, most rushing yards, most receptions, etc.? i used to run a small pool with some friends and we would make those kinds of predictions before week 1, and it added some more fun to the whole thing. i know it would be a ton of work to do here, but thought i'd at least ask.
  3. i almost got in a fight for trying to pass myself off as brian downing one time. brother and i were at the local little league fielding playing some catch and hitting a few balls. i was even wearing an angels batting helmet, one of those you got from the souvenir stands for a couple of bucks. some kid and his dad show up, and while the dad is getting gear out of the car, the kid sees my angels helmet and asks me who i am. i was a pretty cocky 19 year old, so i told him i was brian downing. kid's jaw drops that a superstar like downing was RIGHT HERE!. kid goes running to tell his old man, and the dad starts yelling and swearing at me for trying to dupe his kid. brother and i high tail it out of there lickity split. i thought the old man was gonna come and do batting practice on my face and figured that wouldn't have been a healthy thing. *i then climbed into my 64 caddy and drove 105 mph in reverse on the 293 for 18 miles, going full puig but without the arrest part. *this part may or may not be true.
  4. winston llenas and dirty al gallagher (i was a third baseman in little league). probably did some jim fregosi, too. hit my teen years and tried a little nolan ryan and don baylor. the player i used to emulate the most was johnny bench. could also do a decent brooks robinson.
  5. the raiders finished 4-12 (again). that's the best gift the NFL could give us.
  6. if i didn't already have three porsches at my beachfront property, i might be interested.
  7. I don't think I'd want to patronize a restaurant that DID allow patrons to bring along their weapons.
  8. Seriously? The Nate I know would be on his front porch or in the barn posting on aw.com like nothing was wrong. I miss that Nate.
  9. That fwy was so empty at night that I even considered -briefly- turning my car around and driving in reverse just to see what would happen. When you're sixteen, stupid, and full of hormones, all kinds of ideas enter your brain. Glad I never acted on that one.
  10. In my best Karnak voice . . . What happens when Winnie eats too much yogurt?
  11. With all that double-speak and confusion, I'm gonna guess Washington, D.C. would be high on his list.
  12. Walter Mitty 6/10 They turned this into a romantic comedy and the story was reasonably charming, but my goodness this was a slow-paced movie. I was hoping/expecting a lot of humor, but it was just as minimal as could be, and that was a great disappointment. The most meaningful thing in this movie was being reminded of how much I miss Life magazine.
  13. With that kind of determination and focus, the halos should bring him in to talk with the team during spring training.
  14. Sun Dec 29 Cincinnati Carolina Pittsburgh Detroit Tennessee Indianapolis Miami New York Giants New England Denver Green Bay San Diego San Francisco Seattle New Orleans Philadelphia
  15. When I was in high school I was driving alone on the 23 fwy in Simi Valley. The road was empty and I was in a 64 Cadillac. I gunned it and hit 105. Scared the day lights out of me.
  16. From one of my dodger friends: I assume his violation included blasting through a couple of stop signs, just like does on the bases.
  17. Are we going to play again? The season starts next week in Hawaii. Count me in if we do this again.
  18. Hey Blarg, have you worked on any of the top 60 shows?
  19. Anyone get anything amazing? I got a really nice la-z-boy recliner, but my favorite gift was what I gave to my brother. I found a set of six official game pucks, one from each game, of the 2012 Stanley cup finals.
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