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Everything posted by Tank

  1. how long until the gov't decides to monitor google while they're monitoring us? given the general lack of trust by our gov't in its citizenry, i don't think it will be very long.
  2. odds that laney shows up at summer practice wearing a houndstooth hat: better than 50%.
  3. good move for both teams. oilers needed a goalie and with martin jones bursting on the scene, it was clear that scrivens days as a King were numbered. thanks, scrivens. you served the team well and you'll be missed. best wishes.
  4. he's short jeff juden, but without the talent.
  5. I've never had them prepared in a way that was even remotely interesting. And yes, the allegations are true. In fact, there's a casserole in the fridge made with cottage cheese and special k cereal. Come on over.
  6. If you really want to push the envelope, try driving through Oakland on a Sunday in November.
  7. no. like many austrians, i would have welcomed a smart bomb taking out that insipid, traiterous telegram delivery boy, rolf.
  8. i got the lumosity ad. i don't trust what they're selling. i remember the plane crash. such a tragic story but such a miraculous survival. it wasn't too long after baby jessica fell down that backyard well in texas. glad to hear she's made a life for herself, and hope she has peace of mind.
  9. it seems my analogy of the similarity of comments from rodney king's first trial and the kelly thomas trial didn't hit the mark. oh well. and btw, brussel sprouts sku.
  10. jepsen could be the first player to go to arbitration and receive a lower salary than from the year before. or at least he should be.
  11. good report, iowa, but you left out something very important . . . did dipoto have the chicken kiev or the prime rib? you might only be 20, but that's no reason to give an incomplete report around here. we take this biz srsly.
  12. he weighted less? yay for texas public schools!
  13. i imagine it would be pretty devastating to an awful lot of beantown fans if it could proven that ortiz was on the juice. they LOVE that guy. i'm not sure anyone outside of his mom and children loves arod. of course, that doesn't begin to scratch the surface of how much arod loves arod.
  14. this comment is cloaked in such cryptic language that i can't figure out who arod is talking about.
  15. you were wrong when you said this about "sound of music", and you're wrong about it for "her".
  16. that about sums it up nicely. you have to play the cards you're dealt, and that includes some really lousy hands. glad you have a pretty positive attitude while going through all of this. we're all pulling for you, DR.
  17. "the cops are just looking to hurt people. we're all in danger now of police abuse." "the justice system let us down." "let's hope we get a better outcome in the federal case." rodney king supporters, 1991
  18. then your beef should be with the DA who couldn't successfully prosecute a case caught on video that has nearly everyone in here screaming for a different outcome.
  19. stickboy would like it better if it was directed by michael bay and if joaquin phoenix was replaced by shia labeouf.
  20. Didn't listen to a second of the trial, but I'm guessing the jury felt that the DA just simply didn't prove his case. Sorry for being captain obvious,
  21. They had a power play for 10:13 of the first period and couldn't score. Ouch. Vancouver showed up ready to goon it up. I applaud the Kings discipline for not retaliating or giving in. On to the second period.
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