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Everything posted by Tank

  1. this list is pretty harsh on some of the celebrities. kathleen turner has battled some disease and gained a good deal of weight because of it. while she's not "hot" like she was as a younger woman, it's not entirely fair or accurate to criticize her looks now. taking pics of britney spears and goldie with makeup and then comparing them to older pics without makeup seems rather disingenius, as well. same with taking pics of kids like screetch. i thought seagal, crystal, schwarzeneggar, chase and heidi montag all aged perfectly well. not sure what there really was to criticize. as you age there's bound to be some changes. this whole exercise seems arrogant. wonder what the authors of the slide show look like now and then.
  2. in re: tiger and the media, tiger frequently talks to tom rinaldi of espn. they seem to have a comfy report with each other. i've seen tiger in the media tent answering questions from plenty of golf reporters, so i'm not sure where this idea comes from of him not talking to reporters comes from. he's always been a tough interview (jim rome used to refer to him being robotic), but tiger also has a long memory about reporters who were critical of him (from what i remember hearing).
  3. While there are Kings fans who are also Dodger fans, please don't equate the two as the same caliber of people. They aren't.
  4. They've really learned to suck the marrow out of life in NK, just as Robin Williams encouraged his kids in Dead Poets Society. Kudos.
  5. Hiller was huge in goal. Kings couldn't catch any breaks.
  6. I wish there was room in your "my team never plays dirty" vacuum for the rest of us to visit. I would even bring my own snacks.
  7. T-shirts at the game going for $45-60. Program costs $10.
  8. good find. but yikes, 50 bucks for the balls and another 15 for shipping? no thanks.
  9. the overlords at bohemian grove aren't going to be very happy with you when they meet this summer.
  10. what about the guy who stole all of those las vegas mugs from your warehouse? i imagine he's doing hard time at sing sing or folsom these days.
  11. i never had any problems in carpenteria. loved going there, though the waves were usually on the small side on the days we showed up. most of my surfing was done at el porto, just north of manhatten pier. i wasn't very good so i tended to stay in places where i wouldn't have bad encounters with the locals who were so possessive of their turf. as much fun as it was to catch waves, i also really enjoyed just sitting on my board, soaking up the sun, and watching the planes take off from LAX.
  12. when i was in high school in newbury park, we would go to ventura to surf. man, talk about territorial. the locals there were real punks and treated every wave as if it was made only for them. they never took kindly to non-locals, so we usually had to swim a little bit away where the waves were less thrilling. one of those jerks even pulled a knife on my buddy rob because rob had the nerve to try and catch the same wave.
  13. Can't remember very many guys who just completely lost their game as quickly as Figgy lost his. Maybe he'll experience a Kazmir type of renaiassance. Good luck, little man.
  14. Maybe the brewers were willing to offer a 4th year when nobody else would. I don't understand your maryvale reference.
  15. Solid first period and really sloppy second. Looked like they caught a break on the disallowed duck goal.
  16. We once sang for a Sunday morning church service at a California youth facility. Our director prepared us for the kinds of distractions we might expect, but none came to fruition. I don't think I've ever felt so nervous.
  17. man, thank you for affirming this. there are still some doubters over in new guinea but maybe they'll be convinced now.
  18. what if garza didn't want to play for the halos?
  19. that was happening to me on my mac for a little while. figured out that if i didn't go all the way to the bottom of whatever page i was on, it wouldn't happen. but like you, it puzzled the daylights out of me for a while.
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