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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Shortages in Russia? What are the odds?!?
  2. and anyway they can keep it, no matter who it hurts or what it costs.
  3. yeah, i'm guessing that was a supply to take care of him for awhile. anyone know how much one person takes in any injection? one enveleope? two?
  4. have fun, everyone. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/nbc-all-visitors-sochi-olympics-immediately-hacked_778718.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
  5. "Gene Sperling, director of the National Economic Council, told CNN that the CBO report was pro-family values — after host Wolf Blitzer called the report “very, very disturbing.” “What this report said should not suggest this is going to cost jobs. What this report said is a rather obvious point, which is that as people have greater access to healthcare, there is going to be some two-parent families where someone says I’m going to work a little less because we can get healthcare and I’m going spend time raising my children. There is going to be somebody out there who because they can afford healthcare has wanted to retire and may retire earlier. This is about giving Americans more choices,” Sperling said." sperling sounds like he's ready to make a run for congress. holy cow.
  6. "If courts, perhaps ultimately including the Supreme Court, disallow the IRS’s “interpretation” of the law, the ACA will not function as intended in 34 states with 65 percent of the nation’s population. If courts allow the IRS’s demarche, they will validate this: By dispensing subsidies through federal exchanges, the IRS will spend tax revenues without congressional authorization. And by enforcing the employer mandate in states that have only federal exchanges, it will collect taxes — remember, Chief Justice John Roberts saved the ACA by declaring that the penalty enforcing the mandate is really just a tax on the act of not purchasing insurance — without congressional authorization. If the IRS can do neither, it cannot impose penalties on employers who fail to offer ACA-approved insurance to employees. If the IRS can do both, Congress can disband because it has become peripheral to American governance." interesting take. this is worth watching.
  7. man, i'm so sorry you're having to go through this. hopefully everything gets worked out soon enough and you're good to go. honestly, i figure most of us are headed for the same thing eventually. i think the whole country is going to be using obamacare, in time, and i think that's been part of their plan all along.
  8. i thought the Varminator was arnold schwarzeneggar's tennessee cousin.
  9. while he's definitely a whack job, he's certainly not wrong about politics and leadership in our country today.
  10. "Ventura ignored another question from the host asking how he could be off the grid with Internet access." oops.
  11. more toilet fun at sochi. say hello to all kinds of people in the privacy of your two toilet suite.
  12. globe life? excellent. when i think of all the hundreds and hundreds of widgits and dohickeys i've bought from them over the years, it's no wonder they're in the market position they're in today.
  13. took them an entire year to figure out what most of us realized in about three or four hours. good job, everyone.
  14. still don't know what anyone's upset about. spend time in any airport or downtown area in a city and you'll hear a lot less english than what was in that commercial. heck, go to some parts of kentucky or alabama and you won't hear much english there, either.
  15. this movie is a devastating indictment of the huge underground lego subculture, and i, for one, choose not to view it.
  16. well, three goals last night was a nice surprise and more than i expected. unfortunately, our rock solid defense spent a lot of time watching the game last night. and only columbus and their red hot streak stand between us and the olympic break. go get 'em, boys, and let's finish with a win.
  17. my favorite angels writer writing about my favorite angel. thanks, boys. awesome stuff.
  18. i have to admit, i have no idea who freeman is. i thought that was the name of their manager and that this is an absurd amount to pay for him. time to hit the googles.
  19. Don't like Barry. Don't like O'Reilly. Watching this interview would have been on par with watching the blosox celebrating in October.
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