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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Cool. I'm almost there. Someone hold the door open for me. Thnx!
  2. Yeah, upon further review, bro-town on the map is actually Pasadena. I live by the 2/134 intersection. Lots of drakar noir, bmw's, and swarthy people in my neck of the woods.
  3. I love having an El Niño condition. Bring it on, Mother Nature!
  4. when the sun hits it just right, and it frequently does, there's always a silver lining around the ball as we watch yet another blanton home run make it's way over the fence.
  5. neither one. jerome was a nice guy, but he was terribly inconsistent. a lot of people here are going to reminisce about him having been a quality starter in anaheim. he wasn't.
  6. buddy of mine used to laugh at Cudahy being called little Mexico. He said soon enough they'll be calling Mexico "Little Cudahy".
  7. that's like bill cosby talking about gambling in las vegas: "if they ever change that game to 22, i'll own the town."
  8. eh, not bad. looks like i need to give him a few pointers.
  9. agreed. his family started an online petition last year to try and get him into the Hall. haven't heard any updates on it, but the family is very interested in having the hall include him as a contributor to the game.
  10. he was in the Facebook movie. he got screwed over by mark zuckerberg.
  11. ah man, this is a loss. i taught two of his grandkids and am close friends with one of his sons.
  12. You raise many good points, blarg. we know from the account written by Moses that not only did he receive the ten commandments, but God also gave him a boatload of ceremonial laws to help govern. part of the reason for so many of those laws was that the israelites had been in captivity in egypt for 400 years, and because they had forgotten so much of what they had known about God previously, and because the egyptians wouldn't allow them to worship as they were used to, It was necessary for God to reestablish His relationship and His authority with the israelites. Generally speaking, an awful lot of those ceremonial laws are no longer applicable. It's interesting that you mentioned something about clean vs. unclean meats. our church (seventh day adventists) take leviticus 11 quite seriously about pork and shellfish, which is where chuck and i don't see eye to eye. We believe the principals outlined about what constitutes clean and unclean meat haven't changed so we continue to avoid pork and shellfish, catfish, etc.
  13. wow, now i'm a homophobe and a racist? why can't i just simply disagree with something? i don't go out and campaign against people or groups. i don't ask for legislation to outlaw them or put them back in the closet. i'm not afraid of them. i don't say or think hateful things about them. i disagree with them - that's it.
  14. nate, it's a fair question to ask, and there are a number of comments in the bible that don't seem to fit our social values these days. i need to ask someone far more scholarly than i am about this. can i get back to you later?
  15. you have every right to disagree with me, and i appreciate that we can talk about such a difficult issue from different viewpoints. you are correct when you say that the bible was written by men and not directly by the hand of God Himself. where you and i disagree is your assertion that the bible is simply an assemblage of stories that some council somewhere long ago in time decided should or should not be included. i'll approach it with you as i do with others - i believe that while mortal men wrote it and assembled it, they were very carefully guided by the Holy Spirit. this is God's message of hope and love to us. it reveals Himself to us and what the past was like and what the future holds. i can't and won't believe for a minute that something so important that has gone out in His name as His missive to all mankind was done without His direct involvement, influence, and guidance. if you choose to believe differently, you're within your right to do so, but i'll disagree with you about it 100% of the time. you also wrote "A question: You are putting homosexuals, murderers, thieves, and child molestors in the same box - do you not see this as judgmental? What would your gay friends think of that?" my gay friends would disagree with me, of this i have no doubt, but i also know that they themselves struggle with that kind of grouping and wondering if indeed their sexuality is wrong. one of them told me several months ago that there are people going back through the bible to see if anything was missed relating to this issue, just as others have done in recent years about the role of women. no final report yet from them, however. because i try not to be judgmental (something i mentioned in my original post as an area where i'm not always successful), and because i value my friendship with them, we haven't gone any further in the discussion, nor do we need to. it is not my job or privilege to condemn people and tell them they're wrong or i disapprove. that is between them and God. my job is to be a witness for God and to love others, especially those who i may disagree with.
  16. hey, stick. congrats on finally getting those striped shoes you'd been dreaming about for so long. they really work for you.
  17. i like both the gaborik deal and the mcnabb deal. i like the trades lombardi makes - we never seem to be on the short end of the stick. someone mentioned that the last time we made a deal with columbus for a scorer, it worked out pretty darn well. that was 2012.
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