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Everything posted by Tank

  1. yeah, found that out after i posted. i didn't delete my post because i want to keep my post count up.
  2. my Uverse experience has been very positive. they had to install some new wiring at our house and did so without any cost. they've treated us very well, and the customer service has been just what i want.
  3. i hope your sign says GOODBYE. anything other than that is an EPIC FAIL.
  4. i'm paying about $100/month for the same package . . . until you add in the DVRs and taxes. comes out to about $150 per. still less than those clowns at charter were charging.
  5. local news story last night about l.a. county officials looking for ways to capture more run-off water from storms. very glad to see this being discussed.
  6. this whole sting operation really frustrates me. i'm 100% in favor of removing drugs from schools, but the target should be the dealers, not the friends who score for their friends. find the dealers and remove them from the equation. but even more frustrating is an undercover cop with the cowardice to target a brand new kid who has aspergers. what a punk thing to do. i've taught a couple of aspergers' kids and they just don't operate on a normal playing field, and the cop should know this (otherwise get your butt off that campus). and for the school district and the DA to go after this kid like he's tony montana is wrong on so many levels. what an absolute failure by all involved, especially their refusal to fix such a huge wrong. and who in their right mind arrests and prosecutes a kid for selling a $3 pill? is there no room for counseling or any other number of redemptive options before throwing the book at them?
  7. yeah, there's a real fascinating psychology to all of this. probably some similarities psychologically to the helsinki symdrome (or whatever it's called) where captive people start to empathize with their captors. on a weirdly related side note, my singing group is going to be singing at a women's prison in north carolina in a couple of sundays from now. i hope our single guys are on their guard.
  8. this girl seems to have a lot of the benefits of life - private school (probably expensive), she's an honor student, and she's got looks. she needs to work this out with them and they need to find a common ground that works for all of them.
  9. we won't get the full truth until it's printed in this highly respected journal:
  10. i've been wanting him to go since he first got here. my position remains unchanged.
  11. yeah, it's going to be an interesting discussion in a few years when time has mellowed some people, right or wrong. bonds clemens palmeiro arod manny sosa macgwire chris sabo big papi maybe a few others. historians often believe it takes about 20 years for a fair and objective biography to be written about a president. that standard may be a factor with the steroid mess, too.
  12. Bonds is not a hall of famer. and i see your ability for logically discussing and hearing opinions that differ from your own is running smoothly. why would you want to honor people who cheated?
  13. he needs to avoid answering this question for the foreseeable future. i wish sportswriters were smart enough not to ask him about it, but unfortunately they aren't. you're time will come, manny. be patient. those of us in the real world who don't get $25,000 bonuses for going to a two day all star event don't want to hear you complaining about your pay stub as a 21 year old.
  14. tiger is playing this week. not expecting very much from him. i have him in my fantasy league, but i think i'm probably going to bench him.
  15. did all the players wear the correct jersey number? were the footballs properly inflated?
  16. "I answer incorrectly in polls" is still the best option i've seen on this board, ever.
  17. Numbers accumulated by cheating, which precludes him from being all time great. It's too bad, too. I would like to have seen his numbers without cheating. Might very well have been just as impressive.
  18. I think it landed somewhere and some gov't is behind all of this.
  19. "Why did you hire the guy who invented the Zune to do your (healthcare) website?" Excellent.
  20. good to see you here, eeyore.
  21. was she the fan that was booted from a game for standing up between innings last year?
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