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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm having lunch sunday with some guys from the woods hole oceanographic institute. i'll see what they have to say and get back to you.
  2. no way. gotta be an imposter. edit: that's his grandson. he's carrying on in his grandfathers tradition.
  3. when you start coughing up blood all over your room service schnitzel in 1965 czechoslovakia, it's TB. tracy now works as a nurse/juggling mentor for barnum & bailey as a tribute to her fallen grandfather. RIP, sparkles. RIP.
  4. no, you insensitive peon. they lived in dayton, ohio, which is where we met them and became family friends. the grandfather died from TB that he got while traveling with a circus that went to eastern europe in the late 60s on a goodwill tour of some sort. he started noticing symptoms while eating some room service food one night at their hotel in czechoslovakia. coughed up blood everywhere. the circus immediately called off the tour out of fear that sparkles the clown (his stage name) was just the tip of the iceberg and that other performers might also be infected. everyone came home and sparkles continued to get sicker. i think one of the trapeze artists also got sick but recovered. sparkles never recovered and is now tieing balloon animals in heaven. this painting is so that his granddaughter tracy could know what his career was like. it's a tribute to both of them.
  5. in times like this, i wish nixon was still president. he didn't let the russians screw around with us.
  6. i like this idea. should make their tour a whole lot more interesting and competitive.
  7. one of the problems with the masters is that once you win, you can come back every single year regardless of how well or how poorly you played. i think it was someone like miller barber who kept playing until he was about 82 and was unable to even shoot his own age. some reporter asked him why he kept returning taking a spot away from a younger player who deserved a chance to be there. barber said something like "because i earned by winning this tournament." he was right, but he should have had the decency to walk away once he was no longer competitive.
  8. oh. my. goodness. what is WRONG with you people?!? you're all so bloody judgmental! i happen to know the artist who painted that. the clown is his father who passed away when his daughter (the girl in the picture) was about 2 years old. this is a tribute painting so the girl would know that her grandfather was watching over her!!! did any of you stop to think about something like that? OF COURSE NOT!! i can't you guys sometimes. i'm really pissed about this. what a bunch of jerks around here.
  9. when you talk to the police and any attorneys, make sure your story is consistent. the kids story is likely to have some issues with that.
  10. so what you're saying is that blanton needs a shorter rubber.
  11. all of the guys on my fantasy golf team finished over par yesterday. good job, tank!
  12. i thought the fanfest pictures were supposed to be on the baseball forum.
  13. i show a john deere powerpoint to my 8th graders. i made it myself.
  14. electronic signals turned off intentionally. i assume this plane landed at some remote military air strip.
  15. i assume that all of us are being tracked any time we go online, turn on a tv, or use a gps.
  16. i'll bet his parents gave him a mohawk when he was little.
  17. his toes are coming off the rubber well.
  18. One of my students is Russian. He said the Russians are convinced the U.S. Plans to use nukes, start a war, and invade Mother Russia. Bear in mind he's 12.
  19. The one thing I don't like about Uverse is that I don't have MLB network unless I want to pony up about $90, which I'm not willing to do. I also can't get the nhl network at all.
  20. he volunteered to take a pay cut. i'd say let's chop him down to about $100k a year as a starting point. no administrator should be living in a $900k house.
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