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Everything posted by Tank

  1. waiting on blarg to find a pic of an actual f-15. you're not fooling anyone with that cheesy f-16 nonsense, bub.
  2. Margie (who is a part of the WBC) said on Twitter the hate-fueled organization would definitely be at his funeral, if only to picket. “My dad Pastor Fred Phelps is a hell bound f*g enabling whore,” she shockingly wrote on Twitter Sunday evening. “#Westboro Baptist Church to protest this whores Funeral.” Margie had nothing but revulsion to spread in regards to her father’s ailing health. She added he is “now a hell bound whore.” holy mackerel. i'll take daddy issues for a billion, alex.
  3. that must have been either a really tall door, or else she was nate's size.
  4. "captain, i need to use the f-15 simulator this afternoon." "why's that, private?" "there's a bunch of people in california that i don't know, and i need to win an internet argument with them." "permission to come aboard, private." seriously, it's pretty impressive you jumped into the simulator and did this.
  5. thanks for recognizing the obvious in me, SS.
  6. it'll be interesting to see what, if anything, happens at his funeral. on Facebook, i've seen a couple of people advocating no hatred and no attention for him. one guy even thanked him for rallying several states to pass laws allowing gay marriage, claiming phelps' antagonism helped motivate states to do the opposite of what he wanted. he's done a lot of negative damage to an awful lot of people. i'm not expecting anyone to forgive him, but God is still able to. it's between the two of them.
  7. i was going to volunteer to let him crash on my couch for a few days, but there's another thread out there warning against it. sorry.
  8. for summer fanfest we need to bring toasters instead of bbq grills, and monster instead of red cup type drinks. sure glad mtn dew makes an energy drink. good luck to the rest of you.
  9. "Spread the word. Don't let new friends sleep over." sorry, stick.
  10. i'm sure the gov boys in the remote secret location in virginia will find him soon enough.
  11. that's fine with me. lots of preseason info that can be interesting. i just wish i didn't have to pay for it, which i'm not going to do.
  12. if i have a gun and you don't, and i've taken over your plane and caused a tremendous amount of fear and panic, i doubt you'd put up much of a fight in surrendering your phone when i get to your row.
  13. thanks, but i'm just too old for the tour now. if this had been available 30 years ago, however, . . .
  14. you know that 200 lbs is less than 500 lbs, right?
  15. some news channel did a thing in a 777 simulator. going up to 45k (which is 2k higher than the plane can/should tolerate) and then coming back down to a reasonable altitude can cause catastrophic system failures in the plane. i'm trying to remember how payne stewart the golfer died. something about the air in their cabin going south and they all basically died from lack of oxygen. don't know if that's something similar to what might have happened here. i'm convinced the plane is sitting in some secret hangar somewhere. the passengers are either hostages or dead by now.
  16. i'm going to be there next week. glad he got it out of my way.
  17. you know what i want to do right now? i want to wear a squirting flower and come up to montana and shoot water in your eye. except it won't be water. it'll be pure TB. or maybe some week-old flat diet pepsi, whatever i can get. i hate that stuff.
  18. haven't had any issues with our iPhones in our family except for the battery life on my iPhone 5. have to wait one more year to upgrade it, but i'm very satisfied with my apple products.
  19. i don't think tracy would find your crass comment very funny, IE. neither would the schnitzel makers and room service people in the former czechoslovakia.
  20. there your go again. if sparkles had survived the schnitzel incident that revealed his TB, he'd have gone to hundreds of schools and made a lot of children happy.
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