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Everything posted by Tank

  1. that was a clown bat flip, bro. hey, someone had to say it.
  2. i'm pretty sure that if a shark starts gnawing on my boat, my first instinct will be, and i might be alone here, TO GET THE SHARK TO STOP EATING MY BOAT, not grab the closest phone and starting shooting footage.
  3. boy, that is one hundred percent on target. it's none of their business. NDAA, patriot act, unlimited detentions, secret courts, drone attacks, and tracking where and when we drive. i don't like this one bit.
  4. i hope the Kings can accommodate you by letting you watch teemu's last game.
  5. durant must have played soccer at one time.
  6. spot on, yk. he's like the welfare recepient who shows up once a week to collect his check, and then disappears until the next check arrives.
  7. it's none of the gov't's business how far i drive and where i go. this gps device is a really, really bad idea.
  8. picked up sergio for my team last night. which means he play well today and tomorrow, then shoot 76 on saturday and 80 on sunday.
  9. in my heart, i'm giving you a big giant nana point right now.
  10. that may be, but it's a double tax. i'm already being taxed for buying gas, and now they want to tax me for how far i drive. talk about intrusive.
  11. That might be more accurate. It was such an odd turn furn for him given how low key his movie roles usually were.
  12. Then they can track you to your dealers house, arrest him, and tax you for the privilege.
  13. More taxes plus the added bonus of having the gov't know your constant whereabouts. Oh yeah, this can't miss.
  14. charles grodin was terrific in "the lonely guy" with steve martin and "midnight run" with robert deniro. then he quit hollywood to go do some kind of financial talk show.
  15. "“We want to do as Washington and Oregon have done in a much bigger state with much longer commutes . . . to make sure that we find out whether it would work, whether the public would like it or not,” DeSaulnier, who is also chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, told KCAL-9 News." i think i can pretty much tell you right now how the public would feel about it, you tool bag.
  16. "Pitchers hate it when a batter admires his homerun ball like a giant Kate Upton hologram is being projected in the outfield bleachers" i have passed your idea along to the proper people at the Big A.
  17. alex, i'll take unrelated things the author wasn't really talking about nor intending for $400.
  18. i think it's worth noting that on my screen, the original post in this thread has an ad for adult diapers at the bottom. it's like they knew.
  19. 1. napoli vs. mathis 2. pujols sucks 3. sash should be fired 4. butcher should be fired etc.
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