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Everything posted by Tank

  1. pujols 2-4 homer time to break out of the slump, albert.
  2. i'm having lunch with him on tuesday. i'll share your kinds words with him.
  3. interviews with NHL coaches during timeouts are equally inept. my brother and i really love hearing kings coach sutter in the post game and in-game interview. he doesn't suffer fools easily and often reacts like reporters are complete idiots asking idiotic questions (and he's usually right).
  4. eh, your comment bores me. i'm turning the page on you, bro.
  5. and just like that, spieth has 3 bogeys in six holes and drops four shots behind kaymer. the lightning delay may give him the needed time to pull himself back together. didn't quite understand why furyk took ten minutes to line up that twelve inch putt before the horn sounded. i see now they resumed play and kaymer held off furyk for the win.
  6. had a fun experience last night on Facebook. i have recently joined a page called The Lions Den (For Kings Fans Only!). someone, definitely a rose-colored glasses kind of guy, said that he couldn't believe the Kings were shut-out "by the weak-ass ducks". i came to your defense, fellas, and pointed out, quite politely, that the ducks are a good team and have played a very good series. this didn't set well with the really mature guys on this page, so they started talking nonsense, like the kings weren't trying, and there's no way we should be shut out by a rookie, etc. Again, i wasn't trying to start anything, but i can't stand fans who think their team should play flawlessly all game every game and go undefeated, and that any loss is because of incompetence, never crediting the winning team with having played better. well, after a couple more exchanges, they accused me of being a ducks fan and then promptly banned me from their page. i guess fair discussion isn't part of their Facebook charter.
  7. a lot of Kings shots came from bad angles and had very little chance of going in. they have had trouble with their passing also, with lots of passes just being out of reach, or going to the backhand instead of the forehand. little things that can have a big impact. they still need to figure out how to get better, higher quality shots.
  8. watch it again. quick wasn't being blocked from making the save.
  9. one year from now will be 5-10-15. just try to beat THAT for interesting info.
  10. spieth has 0 bogies after 54 holes. first player to do that since the shark.
  11. well that picture should keep people from thinking he's a big, giant dbag.
  12. i'm calling it now . . . manziel will be nothing special in the nfl. his popularity is due to the endless publicity he gets from espn. one espn expert said he expects manziels jersey will quckly be in the top 3 in sales by next week. while he had a solid college career, his nfl career will be punctuated with mostly lows with a few highs thrown in. nothing special. over-hyped.
  13. i can understand a score of 1, but how do you explain the .1?
  14. had a pair of sennheiser's in college that my mom got from her work for me. they were amazing. would love to have another pair.
  15. for all the desire of you ducks fans to have more guys in front of the net, not a single one of your goals last night involved a guy in front of the net screening Quick.
  16. How many runs will the Angels score in the series: 12 1st Tiebreaker - How many runs will the Angels allow in the series: 7 2nd Tiebreaker - How many runs will Mike Trout score in the series: 3 3rd Tiebreaker - How any hits will Mike Trout have in the series: 4
  17. i'm waiting for his lounge act in the piano lobby.
  18. wow. tracking all of our comings and goings. what's their end game in all of this? why do they feel the need to compile all of this information about the citizenry?
  19. glendale water and power did the same exact thing. screw them.
  20. And yet her supporters can't sing her praises loud enough. I don't get the love for her at all.
  21. So in other words, the balls been coming out of his hand well this year.
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