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Everything posted by Tank

  1. nope. a black piece of crap nissan pickup. it has significant damage on the drivers front side. of course, this happened in '03, so i imagine the truck is no longer in service.
  2. jim hill mentioned the breathing strip on his sports wrap up this afternoon without bothering to explain anything about it, how it works and why horses use it. so is a breathing strip for a horse common? how does it work and why does chrome use one? sounds like they're legal just about everywhere but new york.
  3. they played well today, but chicago benefitted from a couple of crazy good goals that no one could have stopped. that first goal tip in was unstoppable. but that second goal? incredible bounces. the kings worked hard and had several good scoring chances in the first two periods but just couldn't get the right shot. chicago's defense is so strong. crawford is a solid goalie, but i think he's beatable. kings have to put themselves in the right place and hope for a couple of fortunate bounces along the way. gotta stay out of the penalty box, too. not disappointed in today's result. looking forward to wed's game. kings should be better rested and figure out a few things in the process.
  4. Yeah, don't understand all the smooth grips. Gotta have some texture.
  5. Took my iPhone in for a check because the battery has always drained so unusually fast. They figured out my battery only holds 75% of the power it's supposed to. It'll cost me $79 to replace the battery. Not sure I want to spend the money and can easily live with this until February.
  6. Ten days after Mrs. Tank bought a new car, some dbag smashed into her while running a red light, and then took off. Cops were called and their thought was the other driver was either drunk/high, or might be facing a third strike, and thus the reason she took off. She has never been caught for the damage she did, and it's reprehensible to me that people aren't willing to take responsibility for their actions. And FYI, there's no such thing as CSI Lake View Terrace.
  7. ndaa nsa wiretapping drones the collection of personal information is at frightening, unprecedented levels already, it isn't going to slow down.
  8. Saw a report suggesting the potential for the entire Clippers roster to essentially boycott playing next year if Donald Duck is still the owner, including the coaching staff. Imagine what a mess that would cause. My buddy thinks the league doesn't have sufficient standing to force sterling out. His suggestion is that the league void all the player contracts and let the economics of that take its toll on sterling. His franchise would plummet in value and he'd be forced to sign players like me and Blarg. He'd be forced to sell the team because there'd be no financial benefit to him to keep it. Fans would also need to do their part by not buying tickets or merchandise.
  9. That was supposed to be a surprise party for stickboy. Way to go, Taylor. On to plan B.
  10. Sterlings lawyer is fighting back against the nba. Won't pay the fine, either. I think this has the potential to be a really interesting case. Sterling, while making horrible remarks and really revealing his true self in all of this, may not have actually broken any league rules for owners. Stay tuned.
  11. I love this team. I hope Gaborik is in their long term plans. What an addition he's been.
  12. i'm only going to be able to see the first period because i have rehearsal tonight and because my Sabbath begins. i'll probably dvr the game to watch tomorrow night. nothing like a game 7 in hockey.
  13. i love crosby and would take him on my team in a heartbeat. whoever is in charge of the defense needs to be sent packing, also. the penguins have so much fire power, but then it seems every playoff game their defense just simply disappears inexplicably and unfortunately at the most inopportune times. fluery is a quality goalie, but the d-men in front of him have got to be held more accountable and perform at a higher level. i hoped that getting scuderi back would help that issue, but his presence wasn't enough.
  14. a black eyed susan sounds like something that should be in the urban dictionary.
  15. he pretty much disappeared since his master's win. good guy. hope he does well. is he playing on the senior tour yet?
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