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Everything posted by Tank

  1. our impression is that there are a large number of parents out there who would feel like failures as adults if there was something "wrong" with their kid, like having ADHD.
  2. It'll get more interesting once McDowell and Mickelson tee off.
  3. Brandon, that's why I think this could be such an interesting court case to watch. What actual rules did sterling break? Did he ever discriminate because of his racial views? I don't like anything this lunatic was caught saying, but I'm not sure the punishment fits the crime, even though this doofus has been one of the worst owners in professional sports.
  4. Dustin Johnson hasn't screwed up so far today. I'm impressed.
  5. I'll go see it. Anyone want to go with me?
  6. Maybe they need to dip him in carbonite again to prevent further injuries.
  7. They'll make the windshield slightly bigger, too.
  8. There are a lot of good teachers doing a lot of meaningful, creative, and positive things in public schools. I'm sorry you didn't have a better experience.
  9. Good Morning America reporting this morning that we could see gas prices increase by 5-10 cents per gallon because of all of this Iraqi trouble. Awesome.
  10. "Could you imagine if they pulled this same move next week with the LPGA? Players would be livid." ha ha. oh, the possibilities.
  11. i see english cop hasn't read the tweet yet.
  12. angels will be required to give up two of their top three minor league prospects. all other offers from other teams will include a 28 year old fourth outfielder in AA and a relief pitcher.
  13. i had a sister in law who bought tons of products she didn't need or could never use up - candles, purses, bags, blouses, etc. It was all found in a storage garage in her backyard when she died a couple of years ago. Knew a girl whose aunt used to buy all kinds of stuff if she had a coupon for it, like diapers or paper towels. when the aunt died, they found all kinds of nonsense in her house. i know someone who won't throw away newspapers or ketchup packets you get at fast food places. he also collects plastic silverware and has everything stacked in his apartment in so many boxes that he's had to create pathways through his living room so he can get from one room to another.
  14. if your goal is to hurl rocks at people who are willing to spend $8 for a cup of coffee, you're going to need a few dozen quarries.
  15. i'm in my mid-50s so i'd have to say it's more parents that are younger than me. had a family in recent years with a son that acted like he was made of flubber. couldn't sit still and was hard to settle down in class. had a meeting with the parents and suggested they get him tested to see if he needed help. the parents were furious with us. one of them said "that's how i was in school, and there was nothing wrong with me." they told us to never bring it up again because their son was fine, so we never brought it up again and had a ton of trouble with their boy. they also had a second son who was exactly like the first, so the party continued with him. i get that there are parents who don't want to medicate their child, but some of these kids (and we just graduated a class that had about half a dozen who needed evaluation) need help beyond just being ignored by their folks. i hope your family can get the help needed for their child.
  16. indifferent towards how their kid is doing. they don't set up any parameters for their kid to work under, like a consistent study time each night or getting help when their kid has difficulty. i'm dealing with a parent now whose son has failed a couple of classes and needs summer school or extra work at a learning center. she won't take him, and i just found out it's been this way for the last 3 or 4 years. her kid needs help but isn't getting it. i've had to deal also with parents who have kids with severe cases of ADHD but can't get any help or evaluation because the parents aren't interested in hearing that their child has a learning disability, even though it's treatable.
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