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Everything posted by Tank

  1. opening night is october 8 against the sharks. they're raising the banner, just to rub a little more salt in the wound.
  2. looked like he wanted to do a bat flip on the follow through.
  3. for a good meal: hot dog, nachos with onions, and a nice cold mountain dew.
  4. he just wants to win. he's like michael jordan that way.
  5. i'm in favor of keeping players that help the team win. just wanted to get that on the record.
  6. and you want to be my latex salesman . . .
  7. aside from the price issue, everything you described here is identical to what i can do with my iPhone, iPad, and macbook.
  8. that's because he didn't think of it first.
  9. cue a raise in our gas prices in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .
  10. you can do pretty much everything the dmv requires at AAA. have done all of my renewals that way for 25+ years.
  11. haven't tried the sangria blast yet. have had the black cherry slushy twice and really like it.
  12. surprised greene has been offered another contract. he was a healthy scratch for much of the season and only got into the playoffs because regehr was hurt. on the other hand, he did just become my friend on Facebook, and we all know that good things result from that. so i'm guessing this might mean the end for willie mitchell. love mitchell and would have liked to see him back on a one year deal.
  13. congratulations to rob blake! i met him his rookie year. nice guy who played a solid game. glad he's back in l.a. and was part of this cup team.
  14. i'm left wondering where the oversight committees are on all of this.
  15. fair enough, MP. you're a good a guy and i have no beef with you. in our private system, our masters programs are done (at almost zero cost to us teachers) at two adventist colleges. i pay only for books and transportation to get there, but tuition is covered by my employing organization. we have our choice of a masters in administration, counseling, or curriculum. i chose administration because that's where i see myself some day. i didn't have to take the GRE but i did have to do a project that included 160 hours of working with other administrators. i also had to pass a final comprehensive exam. the classes i took on finance, evaluation, and administrative theories prepared me well for when the opportunity comes along. chasing an administrative position because of money isn't an issue in our system because administrators don't get paid six-figure salaries. they dod get a limited administrative budget, but that's based on enrollment numbers in their school. as for me, i'm at the top of the pay scale our system allows, and i've been there since the end of my third year of teaching. i get whatever the standard raise is each year but i can go no higher. our system encourages teachers to pursue a masters or higher. there is minimal financial reward associated with it, nor does it guarantee tenure. our system has been going through a bit of a change in teacher evaluation in the last few years. there aren't really any automatic rehires as there once was. teachers have to be evaluated every two-three years. because we're a private school, we don't face very many special needs kids. we've had a few over the years, most recently being this past year with a student who had more problems genetically than you could imagine. never even heard of most of the things she has, but we made accommodations for her and will again this coming year. her parents know that she'll have to be in special ed for high school because we will not be able to help her at that point. when we get students like this, we help however we're able. if we can't help because their problems are too severe, we make that known, too. public schools and unions have problems we don't have. it sounds like your mom has been witness to often to a lot of that. has she ever looked into going to a private school?
  16. it loaded fine for me, too. fan, might be time to look at your equipment.
  17. i'm sorry your mom's experience and perspective on this are so jaded. i would guess it probably depends a great deal on the school where the masters program comes from as well as the caliber of students enrolled in that program. i've seen a lot of good teachers go through administration classes, and while not every student would make an excellent administrator, the vast majority of them would. my masters program required a lot of work, and i earned it, as did my colleagues who took the same program.
  18. $20-25k for a helicopter ride? oh sweet moses. no wonder the system is going broke.
  19. this joke is the dirty version of "why did she play the piano with only one hand? because she sang with the other."
  20. good luck on your new move to canada. you'll like it there.
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