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Everything posted by Tank

  1. he's not going to do anything about illegal immigration.
  2. flies in today. since he's not running for reelection, i'd like to know where the money gets spent. is it for the party?
  3. up front, let me say i'm just taking a guess at this. my guess would be that back in '47 the US was a big supporter of the Jews having a homeland after the atrocities they suffered from the nazis. i would also guess that there have been a significant number of jewish business men with a lot of influence that have asked for help for the homeland. then there are the large numbers of jews in the entertainment industry. this may not come across as a lot of well organized thought but i hope you get the idea. there have been a lot of influential jews in the US and perhaps our country has felt a sense of loyalty to them to give help. i would imagine our heritage as a Christian nation and the desire to keep the holy land sights intact and available for people all over the world to visit is probably somewhere in the mix, also. i hope that made sense.
  4. surprisingly, i don't usually drink while traveling.
  5. so if i understand this correctly, next year for the practice round, you, your F-I-L, me, and lou are going, and you're selling the ticket to lou for $2000. thanks, man. have we picked a day of the week yet, or can we just show up any day we want?
  6. I don't seem to get jet lag. Cross country travel doesn't really throw off my clock.
  7. The Jews weren't in control of the area because they'd been scattered due to constant war and attacks from other countries. The Jews called it the diaspora, iirc.
  8. we stole some rocks and abandoned a couple of cars, too. i think we jacked the radios, too, in case anyone is thinking of heading there for a new set of wheels.
  9. byron scott was brought back for a third interview last week. not sure who else they're looking at or what else they're waiting for.
  10. that's a fair explanation. and without a doubt, the decent people in gaza are suffering from the bastardly actions of hamas. but as long as hamas is willing to do what they've been doing, i wouldn't expect the israelis to react any differently, and that's where we're in disagreement with each other.
  11. the israelis could always resort to shooting fernando rodney bows and arrows at them.
  12. all of this would end tomorrow if the fine people in hamas would stop trying to kill israelis. palestinians wanted land in israel and the got it. for some reason, it hasn't been enough for them to stop trying to destroy everyone from israel. if hamas is going to indiscriminately fire rockets into israel and then hide behind their own citizens, they shouldn't expect the israelis to play by a different set of rules of politeness.
  13. Tank (me) fail. forgot all about this little gem.
  14. i was glued to the tv that sunday night. so weird to think that they did all of this with computer technology that was less powerful than what's in the basic smart phone today. buzz aldrin will be in glendale next week. hoping i can go see him.
  15. i thought this thread was going to be about monty python.
  16. satchel page used to say he was so quick that he could turn off the light and be in bed before it was dark. with how quick trout is, catching his own arrow at second is a walk in the park.
  17. what kind of dbag celebrates in the 8th inning of a road game in mid-july? LOL, crooked hat, you dork. i'm glad the players feel the same way about that stupid bow and arrow stunt as we fans do. that was awesome. and i enthusiastically endorse having bow and arrow night the next time the mariners are in town. how hilarious would that be?
  18. what did geena davis have to say about it? when it comes to all things archery, her opinion matters to me. in essence, if she's okay with it, then so am i.
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