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Everything posted by Tank

  1. yikes. good move for detroit. wonder if dipoto changes his mind about making a deal for another starter.
  2. i'm feeling better today. i think the stone may be close to reaching my bladder because my pain has subsided a huge amount. my doctor wants the stone, so i have the unpleasant task of peeing into a cup and then running it through a strainer to catch the stone. he told me to bring it in once i catch it so he can do an analysis on it. he also told me beer acts as a good diuretic, if i'm not opposed to downing some.
  3. i think there will always be an audience for comic book movies because the comics themselves have always had a big following. with the improvements and changes to technology, characters can now do a lot more on screen than ever before. it's somewhat reminiscent of what george lucas said about the star wars movies and the technology finally catching up to his ideas. the issue is now the story lines available for these movies (there will be hits and misses) as well as the sheer number of how many films are out there. the market seems saturated to me, and i think the comment about the boy band explosion of the 90s is a fair one for comparison. as long as this genre of movies continues to make money, expect to see them continue to be made. our choice for more or less of these movies is to vote with out wallets. i have no plans to see guardians of the galaxy, but i'll probably go see avengers 2.
  4. My doctor also told me no ice tea, but that won't be a problem since I don't like ice tea at all. Water or lemonade for me. Will throw in some fruit juice as well.
  5. Athletes village in Sochi again? Those crazy Russians.
  6. The A's did well on this trade. Gonna be tougher to catch them.
  7. Kidney stones are generally a build up of calcium from what I've read.
  8. I don't. Tapered way off back in December but still had an occasional one.
  9. We just got a letter telling that since our company didn't use up a certain percentage of the money allotted us, because of the ACA we get refunded the difference. As a church group, we will either get our premiums lowered for the coming year or we can get a cash rebate. Eureka! Turns out our refund is going to be roughly $24. Sadly, this has to be divided between all 500 employees in our company. Not sure if I'll finally buy that boat I've had my eye on or save it for my daughters college fund.
  10. Painful as can be. Drinking like a fish to this thing to pass. As a result, my doctor has told me that I've drunk my last soda. No more Dew. None. Apparently the soda contributes to stones, and once you get one, your chances for a second one increase. Goodbye, my precious dew. Goodbye.
  11. Saw a story titled "U.S. Is one plane flight away from an epidemic." Scary indeed. If I'm an airline, I don't see reason to put my planes or flight crews in harms way until this crisis is under control and there's no risk to my employees or passengers. Sorry, Africa.
  12. Louis Slungpue = stickboy
  13. are you required to wear a shirt that has your name on it while doing this? or maybe carry a red rag in your back pocket?
  14. Yeah, it's an erroneous belief. Jesus isn't coming back to dwell here. When He returns, it's to take the righteous back to heaven initially.
  15. 4/semi-colon actually marks for an exclamation point.
  16. i don't know how much of it was my car and how much was my battery from AAA, but my cadillac didn't have much success with their batteries. their shelf life tended to be on the short side of things.
  17. historically, their navy has been pretty good.
  18. seemed to work well making the season only 12 hours long.
  19. been to pep boys a couple of times and only had positive experiences.
  20. Oh great. Arch hates van de camps and Haagen Daaz.
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