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Everything posted by Tank

  1. shaw suspended from the team indefinitely (in case someone hadn't heard). this morning they were reporting that he was not involved in any criminal activity but that his gf may have been a victim. still plenty of details to come out. no word yet if al and jesse are on the 7:00 flight out of chicago tonight.
  2. if you're in dallas, stop by the book depository. they've got a real nice exhibit there, in case you're interested.
  3. she was one of the three girls that lived in the mansion and dated hef for a while. she and hank have at least one kid together. she's kind of a mess and has an incredibly annoying laugh.
  4. if you're parking at petco to go to an angels game, you may want to reconsider. have fun.
  5. everyone in glendale got a robo-call yesterday telling us that today was going to be a day of high demand on energy, and that we need to back off on water and appliance use this afternoon from 1:00-5:00. never had this happen before. and to any of you doing the ice bucket challenge, if you have to do it, please do it over your lawn instead of a driveway or sidewalk. better just to write a check and not do the challenge at all.
  6. ha! i was wondering if they were going to do something about that.
  7. you should have seen them pulling the box out of the store refrigerator. it looked like one of those cartoons where the box had no end, like a clown pulling scarves out of his mouth.
  8. and not everyone can pull off that look. sneaky wants to know if you have any pictures.
  9. i think there's a troublesome issue here that isn't being addressed. while i think a free press is absolutely necessary, i'm troubled by the way so many members of the modern press do their jobs. we live in a time of reporters doing whatever they think is necessary to get a story - you don't have to look any farther than the most recent major news story to see evidence of these professionals ranting wildly or shoving mics into everyone's grill to get a quote. i think our press behaves recklessly far too often and feels entitled to anything they want, consequences be damned. it's a lot of tabloid journalism, too. as a very simple example, look at the way our sports media covers stories on espn (maybe apples and oranges here, but way they create news and allow for so much speculation is the point i'm trying to make). the fine line here is making sure that our gov't is indeed open and transparent, but that strategic security and military issues aren't revealed, which might compromise vitally important assets or plans. a lot of people in gov't are still bristling about edward snowden and what he revealed, but that information was more about how gov't is invading our lives as private citizens and the massive amounts of info they're gathering on each of us, stuff they didn't want us to know about. i support what snowden did, and think our gov't is dead wrong about how they've treated him.
  10. you should take them both out back and give them one of your fake jenny finch pitches right in the jewels. if it works there, then maybe you need to head over to the israel-gaza border and start picking them off, two by two.
  11. apple has disclosed that some of their iphone 5 batteries are crap and they are now replacing them free of charge. there are links in the link i'm providing for you to check and see if you're eligible for a new battery. i've had nothing but trouble with my battery. it doesn't hold a charge for very long, even with the most casual use. i had to turn off LTE within a week of purchase because my battery was draining by at least 25% at night just sitting on my night stand. i finally took it in to the apple store and upon running a diagnostics test, they determined that at most it was only charging up to 75% capacity, even though it said 100% on the display. i qualified for a new battery and am getting it replaced on friday. this will save me the trouble of buying a new phone when my contract expires in six months. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/11055857/Apple-admits-iPhone-battery-flaw-and-offers-free-fix.html
  12. the geek is very strong in this one, obi wan.
  13. none of which changes the fact that johnny football is a gigantic douche.
  14. putting another team in a desert town is silly. you know which team was 30th in nhl attendance last year? phoenix. sure, they all bust out their plain white t's come playoff time, but they are MIA during the season, and they're not any kind of draw outside of their own building. having another desert team seems like a disastrous idea to me. hamiton, ontario has been mentioned more times than i can remember over the last twenty-five years. maybe it's time to give them a serious look. i'd probably go to hamilton and seattle.
  15. so which one of you is going to be first to spring for one of these? they did a story about it on GMA this morning. http://time.com/3194762/99-pack-beer/
  16. i'm glad they're both having fun. i'm also very glad they're both in KC.
  17. it's part of the cba. i imagine it's to help cut down on injuries during mini-camps.
  18. i think it was butch who said that tiger doesn't need a coach at this point. not sure what to make of that. his game is a mess because of his physical problems, and anyone who's ever played golf with some kind of physical ailment knows that it affects your swing. a good coach can help you through stuff like that. probably tiger just needs to spend time getting healthy, laying off some of the weights, and get back on the practice range and just pound balls to get his swing back.
  19. "On the other hand, Wade LeBlanc clearly has to go. The Angels originally signed him in November, but waived him in early June, and he was scooped up by the Yankees. Released, he made his way back like that ugly stray cat you left milk out for one time." i hope mrs. leblanc doesn't read this article.
  20. remove abreu from the chisox and where are they in the standings? probably not a significant difference from where they are now. remove shoe from the angels and where are they in the standings? possibly looking up at both oakland and seattle. i think that has to factor into the equation.
  21. strads, just do an underhand high arc slow pitch. think of yourself as a slower, uglier version of jenny finch.
  22. insurance for the gronk not being healthy?
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