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Everything posted by Tank

  1. keep your eye on dr. ben carson, an african-american republican out of baltimore. he's a renown surgeon from johns hopkins who has done quite a few surgical procedures to separate conjoined twins. he's been getting a lot of attention, stressing that blacks can't doing the same things they've always done, emphasizing personal responsibility over blaming your situation, as well. he even took on jesse over black issues stemming from ferguson. he's also a seventh day adventist.
  2. apple store called back today. going in sunday afternoon to get my new battery.
  3. the ALS pie chart is making the rounds on Facebook this week. i imagine a lot of people want to believe that at least 75% goes directly to research, accepting there will be costs associated with running the entire operation. what i'd like to see now that they've raised ridiculous amounts of money (over $100 mil i believe) is how THAT money is divided. if they put in still only 27% to actual research, it would be right to question why not more. if they put something like 75 mil into research, imagine what a difference that might make in finding a cure. if they suddenly give all of their executives insane bonuses at Christmas, people have a right to be pissed with how they're spending the money.
  4. i'm having lunch with Laird on monday. i'll see what i can find out about this courageous ride.
  5. "sandy? is that you? i had a dream and you were in it! you had big teeth but you were still a nice person." i'm mad at myself for forgetting Tootsie. thanks, sleg.
  6. spieth started out okay but wasn't much of a factor throughout the summer. tired? longer season than last year? nerves?
  7. didn't see the game but looks like it ended up okay. from the few highlights i saw our new QB looked mediocre.
  8. thnx to both of you for not showing a picture.
  9. and we elected him to two terms. shame on us.
  10. isn't there a gordon biersch on katella, east of the ballpark? their garlic fries are terrific.
  11. well, i guess there are an awful lot of people getting a new battery. i went in for my appointment this afternoon only to find out they were out of batteries. more are on the way and i should be called in by sunday. the cute chick who helped me said it would take 1-2 hours to install the new battery.
  12. not gonna lie . . . it's gonna be a tough year for the buckeyes without braxton miller. we're ranked 5th, but i don't think that's going to last too long. hope the defense is huge and our offense somehow finds its way. el camino will probably run the table . . . again.
  13. sean, i find your photos quite disturbing and melancholy, but in a joyful sort of way. clearly, there is a burgeois slant to how you shoot, but i am most disturbed and excited by the fact you must have a lazy eye. either that, or you intentionally are trying to rip off annie lebowitz, though in nature. and please, for the love of mike, more cats. society demands it.
  14. why can't we? 1. we don't know the song 2. we sing buttercup
  15. i can't see an NBA team there. the opportunities for point shaving would be huge. not so in hockey (at least not as easily as basketball).
  16. two things i really like about glenn. when you meet him, his smile is ever present. you always feel like he really enjoys talking to you. second, he has a genuinely soft bosom.
  17. abc news this morning calling it an "all out invasion" by russia. this is the epitome of an unnecessary war.
  18. when airsoft rifles are criminalized, only criminals will have airsoft rifles.
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