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Everything posted by Tank

  1. the good news is that they don't have the ability to do mid-air refueling. i'm hopeful that these stolen planes also have some kind of tracking system that allows us to monitor there location. my feeling is that if they go airborne at any point in time, light them up before they can do any harm to us or our allies.
  2. i agree with you, don. either you're fully committed or not committed at all. doing something in between those two levels isn't often a good path to follow. if there's a way to destroy the ISIS troops without going to war, i'm fully in favor of it, but i don't think that's possible.
  3. ISIS has reportedly beheaded another american journalist today in retaliation for obama's continued bombing raids. the people at CAIR came out publicly against ISIS and described what they're doing in the name of allah as barbaric. glad to see them in front of a mic on this.
  4. There are reportedly 11 missing airline planes from Libya. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/09/02/report-nearly-a-dozen-commercial-airliners-missing-ahead-of-911-anniversary-after-islamists-overrun-libyan-airport/#
  5. cowboys are bringing sam in for a physical. if he passes, it's believed they'll sign him to their practice squad.
  6. i support anything that punishes the niners. man, i hate that team.
  7. this is greatly disappointing news. i really liked this guy and how tough/fearless he always seemed to be, especially for not being very big.
  8. what kind of moron would put a ten month old in the line of fire on this?
  9. you'd still end up with a tie game. imagine all the extra base hits.
  10. i thought maybe you were going to go in the direction of "it's hard to give military orders when you're putting on the back 9 with deep pocketed donors."
  11. i'm having lunch with verlander later this week. i'll see what kind of fallout there's been for him over this.
  12. i'm giving you extra credit points for "soduko oracle", tdawg.
  13. me either! btw, what seats are we sitting in this year?
  14. thin ice, SS, very thin ice . . . comments like that will keep me from attending your twelfth son's bday party.
  15. that makes two american reporters. i'm wondering why we aren't bombing them into oblivion at this point.
  16. wow. next you thing you know we'll be hearing that there are germans in the sudetenland that really want to be part of germany again.
  17. funny you should mention that. here's a pic of jeter's house near yankee stadium. i think it's covering all the bases.
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