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Everything posted by Tank

  1. it used to be law that bicyclists had to ride single file. is that law no longer in effect? i take great issue with a pack of riders who are 3 or 4 bikes wide. they usually move slower and hold the cars behind them. even guys who ride 2 people wide create a lot of problems, especially on smaller streets. i'm also tired of bike riders who don't follow traffic laws, ESPECIALLY with stop signs, traffic lights, and crosswalks. they create far more safety hazards than they may realize. we also have a problem in that most older city streets weren't built wide enough to accomodate bicyclists, yet cyclists want plenty of room.
  2. this is an odd action by the nfl in that they 1. suspended him already, 2. created a new policy about it with a stiffer penalty than what they gave rice, and 3. then suddenly turned around and gave an even harsher penalty than their new policy. i would think the ray rice legal team might want to chime in about this. a suspension was entirely warranted, and there is even a reasonable argument about giving a lifetime ban to athletes that commit these acts. the nfl has a problem with this kind of behavior and needs to get in front of it. but going from a small punishment to a huge punishment in one fell swoop, especially ignoring your own newly created policy about this specific crime, is odd.
  3. i'm having lunch with saku on friday. i'll ask him.
  4. good comedy can reach pretty much any topic, but there are some things you don't try to make jokes out of. this would be a prime example of one of those things.
  5. so apparently they don't offer any history courses at TT. wow. just wow.
  6. Palin lost all credibility with one of the most amazing skits ever done by SNL. there was no way she could ever recover from that, regardless of her record or accomplishments.
  7. not watching the video until it comes from tmz.
  8. i thought this guy helped them get their independence centuries ago: i hope they go to war just so someone can say "they fought like warrior poets; they fought like scotsmen."
  9. ha, i was hoping that was going to be a "hitler sees the new apple watch" video.
  10. i did not see Madea in the elevator. maybe i missed something.
  11. how is it that tmz can get the tape before the league does? and why wasn't the national media all over this before tmz released the tape? that's what bothers me so much about all of this.
  12. i'll admit, and i'm comfortable enough in my manhood to say this, that i have grown to like several of the boys songs. they have a nice blend and interesting music. the warm up act (5 seconds of summer) is going to be the tougher one to digest.
  13. you're going to need fingers the size of a toothpick to accurately swipe the app you want. that eliminates me right there. apparently it shows you exactly where you're located once you turn it on in the morning.
  14. apple introduces apple pay, which requires a fingerprint from the phone owner and allows you to make purchases without using a physical credit card. i'm gonna wait to see how this goes, but the hackers are going to be out in droves trying to crack this one.
  15. sorry to hear about your loss, mt.
  16. i wonder how long it'll be until the first lawsuit is filed against the doctor who performed the surgery.
  17. we're praying for you at my church and in my classroom here at school. on friday night my men's chorus will begin praying for you as well. love you, buddy.
  18. that's because you live out of state. on the broadcasts, victor, gubi, and jose wear them for every game. they've really become quite a fashion statement.
  19. meanwhile, down in the south bay . . . Warriors Prevail In Season Opener Sept. 6, 2014Box Score PASADENA, Calif. – The El Camino football team kicked off the 2014 season at Robinson Stadium at Pasadena City College on Saturday, defeating the Lancers 37-20.
  20. part of me hopes you get a nice red & gray sweater vest for Christmas.
  21. from his toes to his nose, anything is hittable.
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