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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm intrigued by the marketing of this show. last season, it was promoted as a show with a hannibal lector type character in james spader. this season, it seems to be a much different take, almost like they think the whole thing is funny. it's a weird approach that other people i know have also mentioned.
  2. i'm having lunch tomorrow with Shia LaBeouf. I'm going to tell him what you said.
  3. that's just what i was going to post. i think they built one in or near santa barbara. it would make way too much sense to build one here.
  4. bummer. i was planning on fish & chips and a big steaming bag of haggis.
  5. you can never prove these claims, but i think tyson in his prime could have beaten anyone else in their prime. he was ferocious.
  6. this is probably true for more and more people these days. it is for me.
  7. i wonder what would happen if we all washed our cars on the same day? that usually brings rain for me.
  8. "When police arrested Gonzalez on Saturday for jumping the White House perimeter fence and running into the White House through the North Portico, federal agents say he was armed with a folding knife with a 3-inch serrated blade." i imagine there might one or two fewer secret service agents after this. we've heard stories for years that there are agents poised around the perimeter of the fence so that as soon as there is any breach, they're right on the intruder. i wonder if the security protocols have changed. this guy never should have been able to get into the white house. that's a lot of lawn to cover, and someone should have been able to tackle him.
  9. if i'm an nfl head coach and one of my guys goes all fruit loops after making a tackle, a sack, or catching a pass, i'm fining him.
  10. i think the euro's are going to trample us.
  11. sorry, tobias. i refuse to wait until another 9/11 happens before we take action against people who mean to inflict great harm against our country and our citizens.
  12. i've never said anything about these kids being a moral compass. they're going to make mistakes, but winston seems to be making more than his share. because he's a pubic figure; because he's the reigning heisman winner; because he gets so much public attention, someone needs to get in his ear and tell him to walk a cleaner path because people are watching. also watching are people in the NFL, winston's likely future employer. you can bet his behavior matters to them. i agree that none of these guys should be role models, but we live in a society where kids emulate what they see, both good and bad. whether he wants it that way or not, winston needs to be cognizant of the fact that kids are watching him. he doesn't need to be perfect, but he needs to stop doing so many idiotic things, and for a lot of different reasons.
  13. yes, it is. here's an article on why the middle east developments with ISIS and others, especially Khosoran, should be important to all of us, even you. http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/fresh-plot-to-bring-down-airplanes/
  14. Die Hard, the one with his son in Russia. 4/10. The premise was interesting, having the son and father work together on a case, but unfortunately, some moron decided it would be perfect to film most of the last half of the movie in complete darkness, making it very frustrating for viewers to see what was going on.
  15. Was McCoy injured on the play? He didn't look disoriented in any way.
  16. Rivers arm motion on his passes seems weirder this year. He really short arms the ball.
  17. He's wrong in thinking that what's going on in the Middle East isn't relevant or equally important right now. Presidents have to balance domestic and foreign issues, which I'm sure you already know.
  18. I'm not sure why you need to call me an asshat, nor am I trying to make excuses for Gibson. I'm asking for info because my impression of what is said when someone is drunk is that it isn't terribly reliable. I don't have my own experiences to go from in this area. If you can't help answer the question, then go pound sand and leave the name calling for when I truly deserve it.
  19. you could just hold one of them by the ankles and swing him around until the other was knocked out.
  20. "what do you think of your team's execution?" "i'm in favor of it."
  21. mine either. bought her a watch instead.
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