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Everything posted by Tank

  1. it seems like this kind of car would work best if all the other cars on the road were the same kind of car. as long as there are human drivers, something like this won't really work on the kind and loving freeways of a place like LA.
  2. in a press conf last year, sutter said their three goals were to get into the playoffs, get 100 points, and win the cup. they did exactly that. this kings team has proved they can win anywhere under any circumstances, so winning the division isn't the highest priority for them. how much that serves as inspiration for other teams is anyone's guess. it works for us, and that's all that really matters.
  3. what happens to trout's stolen base totals if you bat him leadoff and hit calhoun second?
  4. DR, i had forgotten about the bill of goods they sold us on prop 30, and then a day or two after the election brownie revealed it was going to raise taxes and they knew it all along. thanks for reminding me/us. once again, ladies and gents, i urge you to stop voting for incumbents for sacramento. our legislature really blows.
  5. reagan was a two-term governor, also.
  6. i once lived in an apartment where the local cable company advertised that we had fox sports as part of our basic package. except, we didn't have fox sports west. called and complained and it fell on deaf ears. my solution? i wrote a letter with my next cable bill and explained their false advertising and their ignoring of my request to get it fixed. i also told them i was taking $5 off my cable bill until they addressed the problem. boy did that get their attention. they called me and talked with me and i explained everything to them. they said they would fix it. they didn't, so i subtracted $5 again the next month. got another phone call from them and they decided to lower my bill and remove the advertising from the flyer.
  7. note to self - if tobias invites me over for lunch/dinner, pass.
  8. sorry to hear this about the OCR. took kids from a summer camp on a tour of their facility once and they treated us very well. even gave us the copy plate they used to run that day's front page. i always liked the register more than i liked the la times.
  9. happy banner raising day!! GKG!!!!
  10. hey, leave the personal stuff at home, bub. besides, with 47 kids, you're telling us stuff we already know. time to leave that poor girl alone for ten minutes.
  11. i sure hope that refers to oklahoma state, amigo.
  12. he broke up with linda ronstadt, and now she has parkinsons. brown skus.
  13. he hit as many home runs in anaheim as i did this year. was his third at bat in game one the one where he flailed like a school girl playing tetherball? he looked so completely overmatched in that at bat. you don't want us to boo? earn your keep next year.
  14. we have a race for governor going on in prep for the vote in november, now less than a month away. to date, i have yet to see a billboard, bumper sticker, poster, sign, or tv ad for either candidate. i have no idea how to spell the last name of the R candidate, and jerry brown seems to be on auto drive heading into the stretch. what in the world kind of strategy is this? how are you supposed to win if you don't get your name and beliefs out there against an incumbent? this is a bizarre strategy.
  15. good for him for getting in. hope it goes better for him next time around. how many players get in to the wsop in vegas? and how long does the tournament take?
  16. i follow you. still waiting for the hilarity to begin. bazinga!
  17. brandon, is derek playing in this year's tournament?
  18. kershaw in the post-season: 1-5 with an era around 5.12 yikes. very blanton-esque of him.
  19. pretty darn generous of you. you should have thrown in some legit looking birth certificates, too. p.s. i just mailed ethan a complete set of all 65 disney cartoon length movies (including sequels) on DVD. enjoy!
  20. i hope the guy with the sunglasses wins.
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