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Everything posted by Tank

  1. minimum entry requirements: 20 cats roaming free around the house.
  2. clearly, we need to help adam by sending lots of youtubes clips of glen beck. come on, everyone, help out where you can!
  3. i'n not sure i'd trust the quality of chinese steel anymore than i'd trust the quality of a pharmacy in mexico.
  4. he sounds like the kind of police officer that if he were part of LAPD, he'd only fire 20 or 30 times into a newspaper delivery truck with innocent women instead of the normal 60 or 70 times. too soon?
  5. I'm glad you finally interviewed YK, chuck. I'd been leaving my porch light on until this happened.
  6. i'm fine with cheese and onions on my fries, but the 1000 island sauce is way, way too much for me.
  7. the 4,000 people who've died probably don't share your opinion about the word "insignificant." why wait until it gets worse before taking caution? that just seems foolish.
  8. glendale, about once a month. ate at the one in corona tonight (15 and ontario) will eat at random ones when i'm on the road.
  9. the armenians in glendale would be more than happy to see us abandon turkey. it would allow the US to recognize the armenian genocide at the hands of the turks in WWI.
  10. i appreciate all the info you folks here have shared about snapchat. when we discovered our 14year old daughter had made an account, we made her delete it.
  11. 1. i hope you get the job. 2. i hope all of the people you'll be working with have daughters that they've recently taken to one direction concerts, and that their cubicles are filled with selfies they've taken showing the stage. during the concert. i hope there are commemorative lanyards and t-shirts, also. most of all, i hope they spend their lunch hours with you in the lunch room, and that you sit farthest away from the door so that you can't make a quick exit, and that they spend their time talking about all the fun things they do with their kids that cost money, and that you see how they're more than willing to do stuff like that to create memories and help make their kids happy.
  12. never been to a 5 Guys and don't know where the closest one might be located. i have no idea what i might be missing. one of the things i enjoy most about INO is that i can order a grilled cheese without having to explain what that entails. you wouldn't believe the stuff places like mcdonalds and burger king have interpreted that to mean over the years. pure hilarity. now, let's talk about those INO fries and how they can improve them . . .
  13. since you're a raiders fan, i'm automatically assuming this is some kind of work-release program. congratulations. stay off drugs.
  14. how sad and evil has your life become if raping a 100 year old lady is even an option on the table.
  15. LOL at the thought of "collecting dust". those posters are clearly in sosh's man cave, autographed and laminated.
  16. i'm hopeful that when my daughter gets to college in three years, all of her textbooks will be digital. i have no interest in paying $250+ for a chemistry or biology book. the digital prices ought to be significantly cheaper. i saw a demo of an 8th grade science book on an ipad that was very impressive. it had the ability to read the pages to you (if you so desired), but the most amazing thing was that some of the pictures in the book were actually video clips. we looked at some chapter that discussed ants and how they leave pheromone trails. we hit play on the picture of that particular page, and some british researcher comes on the screen and shows you his little experiment. it was outstanding. am hopeful we can have something like that in the not so distant future.
  17. i'm going to assume, just for equality's sake, that gwenyth donates a sizable sum of each of her paychecks to the plight of poor working moms. i'm sure she doesn't want to be hypocritical and not put her own money where her mouth is.
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