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Everything posted by Tank

  1. it wouldn't load for me, but i trust these pics are just as terrific as your usual fare. you have a great eye.
  2. what an infuriating piece of bull crap legislation. this reaches WAY TOO @#$%@#$ FAR into my privacy. i'm already taxed at the pump. their gross mismanagement of my whopping 49 cents per gallon to fix roads shouldn't be saved by taxing me again on how far i drive. it's none of their @#$% business.
  3. i would consider adding a subway to my list. there's a sandwich shop in norcal (st. helena) called giugni's deli. best deli sandwiches ever. would want that on my list, also. mrwicked, have you eaten there? it's on main street.
  4. i'd consider buying a picture of sneaky flute not worrying about ebola.
  5. *update* kashkari started running ads on tuesday showing a drowning child in a pool that he saves. he cites it as saving the children that gov. moonbeam has abandoned. somehow, he has less than a million dollars in his campaign. i don't know who was in charge of his fundraising and planning his advertising, but i hope they never get another job in politics again (unless it's for a candidate i don't like).
  6. when ishikawa came up to bat, i told my wife that it would be poetic justice for him to get a single after his poor play in left allowed the cards to score their first run. baseball likes things like that. but a homer? that was a little too much to hope for. oh well, go royals.
  7. taco bell pick up stix a & w (the one by my college had a terrific vegeburger)
  8. if his approach involves easier access via search warrants and following the laws about search and seizure, maybe it's a conversation worth having. if it's just carte blanche access, he can go pound sand.
  9. i don't think i've ever eaten at an outback. your description will keep that streak alive, hollyw00d.
  10. in that case i'd like to put california pizza kitchen and the cheesecake factory on my list.
  11. "Aw, come on, honey. If we move to Montana, we'll have all the land we want and not be bothered by illegal immigrants and that idiot jerry brown. We'll have fun out there in big sky country. Our nearest neighbor will be two miles away and we'll have room enough to stretch out our arms without scraping our knuckles on the neighbors house."
  12. i have a cat. he's a rescue from a shelter, and we gave him to our daughter 8 years ago for her bday. we've had 7 cats over the years. six of them have been pretty good or great fun. one was a total jerk. he got mean and started peeing on everything (same reason stickboy is no longer allowed at my house), and we ended up having him put to sleep because of his aggression. i was raised with dogs and love them dearly. wish i had one right now. but my wife and i discovered that neither one of us was very good at training dogs (we had a disastrous experience with our one and only dog while married), plus we've lived in apartments where dogs aren't allowed. cats are easier to care for and many apartments/rental agencies make allowances for them.
  13. steve nash is going down as one of the worst free agent signings in sports history. he's barely played more games as a laker than i have.
  14. this is exactly my bone of contention with the movie channels. the list of movies is pure drek. i can't believe the lack of quality, and that it's spread out over their fifteen channels night after night after night. there's hardly any movies worth watching. if it wasn't for Homeland, i wouldn't have showtime. as soon as the season is over, i'm canceling the channel. what a waste of money.
  15. i'm calling it now - he'll be a benevolent dictator.
  16. anyone watching? carrie has a red-headed daughter. carrie is the new station chief in islamabad, pakistan. quinn is doing the nasty with with the large chick in his apartment complex. the old station chief was up to something dirty, and it likely got him killed. drone strike destroyed a wedding party, leveling a house and all the members of the celebration, save for one boy in medical school. curious to see where this season goes. also wondering if we'll see brody's family anymore.
  17. no worries, mate. when we switch to winter blend, the price per gallon here will leapfrog 60 cents a gallon and we'll be able to help our friends in moscow.
  18. Thu Oct 16 New England Sun Oct 19 Baltimore Green Bay Indianapolis Cleveland Chicago Buffalo New Orleans Seattle Tennessee San Diego Arizona Dallas Denver Mon Oct 20 Pittsburgh
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