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Everything posted by Tank

  1. this is true for other reservoirs, as well. saw something on tv last week about the reservoirs and aquafers throughout socal needing rain for this very reason.
  2. AO, there's rain in the channel 7 forecast for next tuesday.
  3. caught just a little bit of this last night. was intrigued by the douchy-looking euro without a hat that felt the need to stare down the other euro. i realize there's a good deal of gamesmanship involved in events like this, but i don't think i'd handle very well some dude staring me down.
  4. don't know his name, but he's the white hair old man who just arrived in islamabad. he was the one who forced saul out of the cia and is a scummy guy.
  5. i don't remember anyone thinking it was a bad idea, either. taking the ill-gotten gains from drug dealers? go for it. we support you, mr. president. sadly, it has now devolved to something that looks far more nefarious and sinister, and clearly police are abusing and expanding it (based on recently published and posted articles). the real tricky part here is going to get congress to help reign in the abuses. but that's the equivalent of letting the alcoholic run the bar while you go to the men's room.
  6. if it's a choice between scherzer and lester, i'd prefer lester.
  7. gilda radner was outstanding.
  8. if you're going to wear a mathis jersey while opening, are you required only to squat instead of stand?
  9. financially, i don't see how we can afford scherzer after dropping all that cash on pestano.
  10. agreed about not dragging it out.
  11. i wonder how they'll figure out here drugs were hacked, and i wonder how they'll catch the guy that did it. could make for some interesting drama.
  12. it looked like he gave it a little shake. may have excited the electrons even more.
  13. my guess? $$$$$$$$ it's possible i may be wrong on this.
  14. "These habits were more frequently found in higher-income families, says Guo Yin of Beijing Tongren Hospital, that is, those more likely to make their children study intensively. Across East Asia worsening eyesight has taken place alongside a rise in incomes and educational standards. The biggest factor in short-sightedness is a lack of time spent outdoors. Exposure to daylight helps the retina to release a chemical that slows down an increase in the eye's axial length, which is what most often causes myopia." i can verify this, even through a very small sample size. our school has a program with a school in beijing where they send about 65 students each year to our school. more and more of these kids, who are the children of wealthy parents and live a pretty privileged life, wear glasses and refuse to play outdoors. they spend every single free moment they have locked onto their computers. during recess, it's like pulling teeth to get them to play anything. and yes, a growing number of them wear glasses (greater than 50%).
  15. congrats, shoe. hope to see more of the same from you next year.
  16. i really like it when our gov't lies to us and misleads us. it's very comforting as a citizen.
  17. that was terrific. p.s. i could go for a nice taco right now.
  18. i was going to start a new thread, but i think i'll just drop this in here about a guy in china who proposed to his girl using 99 new iPhone 6's that he purchased. it didn't go well. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/man-buys-99-iphones-to-propose-to-his-girlfriend-she-102282140164.html
  19. if panda goes elsewhere, give hanley a call. he'll put up better numbers offensively than anyone we've had in a while.
  20. long beach seems to have a plethora of "former university of ___________ " players. any particular reasons why? or is this a school where they can play instead of sitting on the bench behind some other recruit?
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