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Everything posted by Tank

  1. oh good, protestors in downtown LA have stopped traffic on a couple of streets as well as the 10 fwy. idiots.
  2. i'd bet many of the protestors are not from ferguson or the nearby communities. one of the looters coming out of the liquor store with a six pack was wearing a mask with a skull on it. that's the kind of outfit some of the anarchists like to wear, and it makes me wonder who else showed up there tonight just to cause trouble regardless of the decision.
  3. looting the stores in your community after a decision comes down that doesn't support your POV, feeling that the rule of law was not followed, is a tremendously ironic thing, and not in a good way.
  4. from one of my former students on Facebook tonight. "So here is what I learned this week so far: 1. It's ok to kill a black man because he stole cigarillos and was big and scary 2. its ok to dress up as a Native American and take pictures in honor of Thanksgiving. Gosh, I love America "
  5. in watching the food network, it seems there are as many options/recipes for how to cook at turkey as there are terrorists in the middle east.
  6. warning, i'm about to way oversimplify things . . . one thing that i keep coming back to is how avoidable a lot of this stuff is if people would simply respect the rule of law. michael brown never has an encounter with the police if he doesn't steal the cigar things from the store. if people employ more morality in how they live, so much of this stuff would never happen in the first place.
  7. wow. there are times when it seems like this country wants to continue to have racial tension, at least in some circles. speaking of, how come jesse and al weren't in ferguson tonight? oh that's right, it doesn't fit their agenda.
  8. it'll be interesting to see where delgado and sheffield end up in the vote. i'm still surprised piazza didn't make it in last year.
  9. i wonder how much players like ruth, gehrig, and greenburg would have been worth in their prime.
  10. well, their pitching isn't very good so reacquiring lester would be a good move for them.
  11. they pulled a fast one on us. i was expecting the U.S. to hit THEM with some kind of attack.
  12. he ws a contemporary of our dear beloved ralston schmidt.
  13. espn and several other sources reporting the sox have deals in place with both players. tim kurkjian talking about it now on the tube.
  14. i like how obama kept pushing the bill down the steps.
  15. saul berenson, muslim whisperer.
  16. you were secretly hoping she'd give birth to an anchor baby, weren't you?
  17. "but officer, i just wanted to play a joke on one of my buddies!"
  18. buddy, the mountain dew train has been derailed. you can thank my kidney stones for that. haven't had one since the end of july, and can honestly say that i don't really miss it. anyone who has stock in pepsi should sell now.
  19. well, i wouldn't want anything to fall off or out while i was playing poker. it's my little gift to you. i'll miss all of you, too. except for stickboy.
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