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Everything posted by Tank

  1. a responsible person would self-ban for such and egregious error.
  2. yeah, i think freese will be fine this coming season. we've all seen countless times that there's a learning curve when a player switches leagues, and now that that is out of the way, he'll be fine.
  3. was awakened at 3:30 this morning by the loudest wind and rain i can ever remember hearing. lasted a good 15-20 minutes. it was a nice sound to listen to as i drifted off back to sleep. made me wish it happened during daylight hours so i could watch it. weather-wise, today is my ideal day: dark, cloudy, and rainy. i love these kinds of days. if you have a season pass, today is a PERFECT day to go to disneyland. it'll be empty.
  4. starring michael phelps and mark spitz.
  5. i've seen that from about a dozen people in my news feed in the last week.
  6. Sun Dec 14 Cleveland Green Bay Indianapolis Baltimore New England Kansas City Atlanta Carolina New York Giants Denver Tennessee Detroit Seattle Philadelphia Mon Dec 15 New Orleans
  7. dear injuns, we're sorry for screwing you over so badly in one land deal after another for all those years where we lied to you and killed your people recklessly. please accept this small token as our continuing apology. sincerely, the us gov't.
  8. every so often the market goes through a self correction. you're right, AO - it's been a while.
  9. drove by a mobil station here in glendale yesterday. that rat is still at 3.39 for regular. he sucks.
  10. are you asking us to help? what can we do?
  11. too bad we won't get to see any of these masterful signs in colorado any time soon. these rule.
  12. mike was one of my favorite people to talk to at gatherings. his deadpan style of humor was perfect for him, and he entertained and regaled all of us with his stories and viewpoints. i miss him greatly and will always treasure the times we were able to spend together.
  13. i'm not impressed with green and i have no idea of how rutledge plays. if beckham could hit FOR the angels like he used to hit AGAINST the angels, i'd vote for him. but sadly, he seems to have lost that ability at the plate.
  14. no answer on arson yet. they've got all kinds of investigators taking a look at it, even some feds. you're not worried about what they might find, are you geoff?
  15. loved watching howie and aybar work the double play. always bummed that howie never lived up to the dreaded batting champ potential. i am not at all sold on grant green as a solid replacement.
  16. can't think of anymore deserving. you might also want to mention he was the iconic announcer of the angels, too, mr. administrator.
  17. broken pieces on two of his vertebra. same injury tony romo had last season. timetable to return is uncertain.
  18. clearly, you need to spring for that $120k set being discussed in the other thread, you crazy cheapskate.
  19. i wish you guys at the top would allow me to gain more ground.
  20. i'm wearing flip flops at work because i don't yet have enough flexibility to put on shoes.
  21. after listening to those songs, i can come to only one conclusion: nate hates Christmas.
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