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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i <3 martin jones. what a solid goalie. earned his third shutout of the season tonight against the leafs. btw, how come they aren't called the Leaves? Leafs is grammatically incorrect as it is not an actual plural form of leaf.
  2. i was just going to say he left under bad conditions and didn't have enough longevity in anaheim, but wicked's answer is better. kariya and selanne were an awful lot of fun to watch together. it's too bad he wasn't on the cup winning team.
  3. Dionne, Selanne, Gretzky, Robitaille 4 hall of famers who had outstanding careers. you youngsters really missed a gem by not seeing dionne in his prime. he was insanely good, and you could argue he was the best of the four i've listed. i loved watching Kariya play, but his career was too short.
  4. The correct answer is Bob Lee who had an ERA of 1.99 over a three year span in the mid-60s. i had no idea it was him, couldn't even remember hearing of him, but then the way the question was worded i was thinking it was for one season and guessed frank tanana.
  5. if the BCS were still in place, the championship game would have been Alabama v. Florida State. edit: changed lsu to alabama. sorry.
  6. completely agree with their right to continue to print like they always have. i question the wisdom of doing this so soon after the massacre. i'm really conflicted over this issue.
  7. news reports last week were claiming there are concerns that all the waste water being pumped below the surface and deep into the earth might be responsible for contributing to the increasing number of earthquakes in texas. hey, as long as our gas prices are lower, suck it up, texas.
  8. what a great game, though those four turnovers had me nervous. defense was right on the money and kept that high octane offense of oregon in check. the fast tempo wasn't a problem. cardale jones is just as cool as the other side of the pillow. your three career starts have all been amazing. zeke elliot is only a sophomore. i love it when my teams win championships. GO BUCKS! GO HALOS! GO KINGS GO!!!!
  9. someone gave me a page-a-day Angels calendar for Christmas, and this is the trivia question from last Thursday: "Who is the only Angels to pitch at least 300 (career) innings and have an ERA under 2.00?" i'll post the answer tonight. i didn't get it right, and didn't come anywhere close to it. i had to add (career) to make it a bit more clear as the answer says it's over the course of three seasons, not one.
  10. if you had said Thanks Obama, would that have been redundant?
  11. you made your son wear a dress to play catch? weird.
  12. saw this and am outraged. who's helping to put a stop this butchery? where is the UN? or the US? or anyone else???
  13. you're welcome, SS. btw, OH MAN! you're not going to believe where they've placed p98ywuHeaney4rt-98-q34-0jq3f[ [iouae09 *beep* *beep* *beep* **transmission failure** ***connection suddenly lost*** ^^priority one delta security alert^^
  14. my heart says Angel, but my brain says Expo.
  15. book clubs and music clubs were notoriously bad at doing this.
  16. wow, ISIS, calm down. it's not like we made a movie about assassinating your leader or anything.
  17. CHIC 381: yosemite sam mudflaps and nondescript brown vans for the 21st century: a buyer's guide
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