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Everything posted by Tank

  1. no promises, but i'll do my best. btw, what are you having for dinner tonight? we had vegetarian soft tacos last night. delish!
  2. i suggest taxing the daylights out of lawyers who find tax loopholes for their wealthy clients who don't want to pay their fair share of taxes.
  3. if arod really wants to improve his image, he needs to fire up the delorean and go back to 1995.
  4. no, i'm not going to include him because the discussion was not about all presidents who raised taxes.
  5. probably guilty of cherry picking, but the discussion was about dems who raised taxed vs. repubs who started trillion dollar wars.
  6. dems who raised taxes: LBJ carter clinton obama repubs who started trillion dollar wars: dubya this is just in my lifetime. i won't disagree at all about the cost in lives in re: afghanistan and iraq. my POV was more about frequency of these things happening.
  7. "We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post."
  8. I think dems have probably raised taxes more often than repubs have started two wars, but you get an A for effort.Btw, Barry told congress tonight he wanted authorization for military options against ISIL.
  9. No solutions offered on how to pay for it, either. We all know what that means from a (D).
  10. When he ran in '08, didn't he say Gitmo would be closed within a year? Now six years later he's proud of having released half the prisoners. Good job, Barry.
  11. Yep, that was the guy. Always acted like Mathis was his own personal progeny.
  12. good news: they didn't lose in a shootout last night. bad news: they still lost. add the losses and OT losses together and i think our overall record is something like 20-26. no bueno.
  13. eddie the jet joyal cowboy bill flett eddie shack - loved that guy gene carr - wanted cool hair like he had
  14. fletcher is a good writer. enjoy reading his stuff. who was the writer that defended jeff mathis so vigorously? that guy was unbelievable.
  15. they're pretty much an all or nothing group. no middle ground at all. just adds to the nightmare.
  16. yep, al qaeda has a home there.
  17. nordegren didn't happen to need to do some hedge trimming first while on the interstate, did she? there is a precedent for this.
  18. so apparently you've never seen any steve gutenburg movies.
  19. i get the russian chicks and the filipino chick ads quite a bit. wondering what in the world i clicked on to initiate that.
  20. so now he looks a little more like stickboy. only 7 more teeth to go!
  21. no, ukyah, just one of the lines I throw around here. I had no idea he was sick. Just looked it up. Doc gave him a year to live because of his heart. Awful news.
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