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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i wonder what kind of constitutional crisis would happen if sometime after he leaves office, barry comes out and admits he really was born in kenya. that could be a nightmare and amazing tv all at the same time.
  2. there's only one place to shop. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=nasa+gifts&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=31916311290&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9558966910655258546&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_8w9tlx5rex_e
  3. that was very fair and balanced. i particularly liked this analogy: ". . . the "partnership" between America and Islam (we buy their oil, they kill us) . . ."
  4. https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/patriots-press-conference-cold-open/2842425
  5. richard sherman said there will be no punishment because goodell and the pats owner (kraft?) are buddies. apparently goodell was at his house just a few days ago. SNL had a real good opening to their show this week, working in a great reference from a few good men.
  6. players kept saying how this is for the fans (which could be code for "we'd rather be at home getting some sleep"), so how about if the defense try to put a stick or two on a player or knock a puck away. seriously, it was like they were out there playing against their own children.
  7. wow, not sure of the timing of this move, with toffoli and pearson both out. there had been rumors of trading him to toronto for dion phanuef. guess that won't be happening now. can someone explain hockey waivers? i don't know the particular process very well. does this mean richards is done as a king?
  8. that's what bohemian grove is for every july.
  9. Man, what a snooze fest. I get that no one wants to get injured, and I'm okay with that, but for crying out loud, play a little defense.
  10. People who won't stop talking. I work with someone who takes three minutes to tell me 20 seconds of information, most of which I've already figured out within ten seconds of the beginning of her comments. When she ends a phone call it has endless amounts of Okays thrown it, too.
  11. We had lunch together last Tuesday. He asked me not to disclose any details.
  12. right after we find out what kind of torque wrench he bought to fix his mower.
  13. You can never go wrong with whole olives and carrot sticks.
  14. Parts of The Natural were really well done, but I disliked that he either homered or struck out. Pride of the Yankees The Babe Ruth Story Field of Dreams
  15. Two plus years ago we had to put down one of our cats. He was young but suddenly had extremely labored breathing one night. Took him to an ER Vet and they found he was just filled with cancer. Surgery was an option but would only give him a year at best. No reason to do that, so we said our goodbyes and went home. The toughest part was consoling my daughter as this was her first time having to put down a pet.
  16. That's like the people on jeopardy who say "Alex, 600 old political slogans". It's wrong just like your way of writing percents, and no one in this great land of ours should tolerate it. NO ONE!!
  17. someone tell me more about the streaming service. do you get charged per movie if you're a prime member, or is it included? my daughter is always looking for new iphone covers from them, and that alone could make it worth the cost.
  18. bob berry bob nevin whitey whiting
  19. i wouldn't know any of these guys even if Lou hit them with his car. so i pick whichever one isn't injured by Lou and his poor driving habits.
  20. i don't think he'll play enough to get enough hits for 3,000 this year. maybe look at our needs a year from now and see if he can contribute.
  21. what's the advantage to having prime? i shop on amazon maybe once or twice a year.
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