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Everything posted by Tank

  1. the stick handling skills of these guys are insane. when i was a kid, stan mikita (who was just diagnosed with dementia) wrote a "how to" book about hockey. my favorite part was where he advocated learning how to stick handle by practicing in your kitchen with a raw egg. i tried it once and was constantly on edge that i was going to have a mess to clean up. didn't make a mess, but my mom was not a fan of this particular method of learning, so back i went to the garage with my stick and a golf ball. worked out pretty well.
  2. on the nbc nightly news tonight they said in illinois this year, 13 people have died while shoveling snow in their driveways.
  3. i couldn't see myself tipping on a $4 cup of anything. they're gong to make a ton of money because people won't pay close enough attention.
  4. i think i echo what cat said. it's out in the open and there don't seem to be any repercussions. we just seem to be turning our heads and looking the other way while ignoring the fact that these people are buying their way into our country. who knows if they pose some kind of threat to us? money talks, and as long as get their money, it's okay?
  5. my feeling is that i want to be seen as being as cooperative as possible so that i can minimize my time with the officer. if that means giving them my name, i'm willing to do that.
  6. there were still 20 people missing this morning. anyone have any updates on them?
  7. how long does it take for 15 year olds to mature? this is driving me nuts.
  8. believe this . . . while all of you are paying such low prices, i still paid 2.55 last friday, and that's at the cheapest place in glendale.
  9. let's give the kid a break. he's probably had someone else do all of his writing for him for several years, so this is still kind of unchartered territory for him.
  10. so olive oil and steroid laced water don't mix? good.
  11. absolutely agree. this has become too big of a deal, and not everyone can handle it.
  12. if josh needs a boost in self-confidence during his rehab and recovery, i hope he doesn't discover this thread. that said, i hope his recovery goes well and when he returns, he sucks less than the vacuum used in the angels clubhouse.
  13. or it means they start working together in mid-march instead of mid-february. heck, they could have already been working together for all we know. no reason to think they won't be working together at all.
  14. completely agree with you, cat. we used to be a nation of laws, and we took pride in the fact that we followed our laws and expected others to do the same. corruption didn't happen here like it did in so many other countries. well, those days are long gone. this quote was telling: "Five different Homeland Security whistleblowers spoke with ABC News about a range of cases where visas were approved despite numerous red flags. They said objections were often ignored because the immigration program is so popular within the Obama Administration and with members of Congress from both parties. Known as the EB-5 visa program, foreigners who are willing to invest $500,000 in an American business can jump to the front of the line and obtain legal status to live in the U.S. for two years. If the investment is shown to create at least 10 jobs, the investors can receive a “Green Card” -- permanent residency."
  15. the last good QB the browns drafted was bernie kosar. time for another one. would love to see mariotta in cleveland.
  16. funny thing is, espn had usc at #5. i just had it on this morning while i was getting dressed for work. i'm going to leave the more accurate evaluation for those of you who know more about it.
  17. ha, espn was saying that alabama has the #1 recruiting class so far. ucla was listed as #13 on their list. if the bruins are pulling in the #1 prospect in each of those categories, shouldn't it stand to reason they'd be higher on the list? college recruiting isn't my thing, but this seems like more blindness from the numbnuts in bristol.
  18. same boat here. i'm not sure i can remember the last game where the Kings scored first. they constantly seem to be down early, and their ability to fight back this season, especially on the road, is almost non-existant.
  19. just saw some kid on espn say "my two choices are the university of california at los angeles and the university of california at los angeles." welcome aboard, kid. rule #1: no one calls it the university of california at los angeles.
  20. Nor should they. The news just said they have four other ISIS prisoners awaiting execution. No timeline for them, however.
  21. 16 rescued so far. The wing clipped a taxi pretty hard but no word yet on the driver.
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