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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i had both snedecker and furyk this week. they could have finished 1-2, and that would have made me very happy.
  2. i think they've retired one of their numbers twice (8?).
  3. let's have lunch next tuesday and work out the details. p.s. you're buying.
  4. i feel your pain, brother. at epcot two years ago my family and i rode on mission:space. it's a simulator ride that's basically a giant centrifuge. i think we pulled something like 4 g's in that ride. i walked out of there with my head spinning terribly and thought i was going to need medical attention from being so light headed. it corrected on it's own in a few minutes.
  5. haven't read the book or seen the movie, but have seen/read some complaints about both and the fact that this grey guy is terribly abusive to the girl. i guess at some point he even has her sign something like a non-disclosure agreement so she won't blab about their activities.
  6. they seem to be getting a bit less picky in which numbers they decide to retire. maybe that's a better place to start.
  7. did pretty well this past week but didn't seem to gain much ground in the standings. all that should be quickly fixed this week as i've picked up the blazing hot pat perez for riviera.
  8. why didn't he wear a uniform? is nudity part of his rehab? and it looks safe that no one will ever mistake him for tripod.
  9. You're right. His very first session should have been at least 115 pitches along with some Chinese acrobatics! What a lightweight! Grrr!!
  10. Stick foolishly preferred to watch Storage Wars instead of the vastly superior Auction Hunters. He still hasn't come to the light on this.
  11. Wife and I were sitting outside the Starbucks at Downtown Disney late yesterday afternoon just people watching. Suddenly, along comes a tour guide with a gentleman in shorts and a t-shirt. It was John Elway. I recognized him immediately, hopped over, said hello and shook his hand. He was very gracious. No one else seems to notice him.
  12. That was part of the appeal of the 70s for me, Nate. Classic rock, classic pop, and even some fun disco. The 70s had it all. There has been plenty of awful pop music in every era (thanks for allowing me a capt. obvious moment here).
  13. His first tournament of the year. Should have known better and switched him JB Holmes on my fantasy team today.
  14. Kingsman: the secret service - B This movie had a lot of really good moments in it. Colin Firth is like James Bond, and his character is a very complete character. The kid who plays Eggsy does a solid job, also. I thought there were too many moments where it just had gratuitos, unnecessary amounts of violence, and Samuel L. Jackson had some kind of stupid annoying lisp that really served no purpose. The anal sex stuff was unnecessary, as well. The movie bounced around too much from a slick, interesting action pic to campy Tarantino nonsense. Very inconsistent. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Would like to see a series of films for this franchise. It's very James Bond-like. Not having Firth around for more films is going to be a mistake, imho.
  15. He's been like one of those transformers that was in a deep sleep.
  16. MIKE TROUT!!! Or maybe Phil Shane (I've heard he's amazing).
  17. That was brilliant. I miss him on weekend update. That was such a great gig for him and for us.
  18. I was really upset this afternoon. My wife and I went to see Kingsman, which is rated R, a rating it completely deserved. Sitting behind us was a mom and her three kids, two of whom were under the age of ten. The third seemed to about 12/13, and she managed to kick my seat back so many times that I finally had to move, but I digress. This movie was full of F bombs and excessive amounts of violence, far FAR too much for a kid to see. It also had references to anal sex, something a preteen has no need to know about. And there they sat because mom needed to see this movie and couldn't find a sitter. Crappy parenting. Extremely crappy parenting. Why do parents do this to their kids?
  19. Talked with a guy this morning who had a plastic nose. He was injured in Iraq and now has to have the plastic piece. All I could think of was all those bad Michael Jackson jokes.
  20. 'Bout time you showed your mug around here again. I've missed seeing obligatory pictures of my vegetable garden in all of the food threads.
  21. Spent the day at downtown Disney today. I can confirm that there were no Maxxzandras to be found on any merchandise items.
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