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Everything posted by Tank

  1. saw some video of these morons using sledge hammers and saws to destroy statutes. one comment from a viewer said "does being an islamic fundamentalist mean you no longer have any appreciation of history?" seems to me that destroying those treasures serves no purpose other than to infuriate people.
  2. i was playing angry birds while listening to him. i thought he made sense.
  3. the southern restaurant drink of peace.
  4. my experience started off on the wrong foot. at our last townhouse, chipotle bought a failed chinese restaurant across the street from us and converted it. those rats decided to start the demolition of the old place at 6 am on a saturday, waking up the entire neighborhood. those idiots were at it for a couple of weeks, including weekends. i immediately had no interest in their food because of their rudeness to us as neighbors. wife finally convinced me to go. food was so-so, but i didn't like that my 8 year old daughter couldn't get a burrito smaller than a size 18 shoe. had some ultra perky cheerleader type server who didn't understand what i meant by "and this one is for a kid so please don't put in as much as you normally do." my wife will go occasionally. they have some kind of tofu bowl that is tolerable. wouldn't go out of my way for their food.
  5. thanks, i think i will, mr. doesn't-know-squat-about-dancing-with-the-stars-and-the-singapore-samba!
  6. a friend of mine at church is near 80 and he has the kind that have a tube that goes from the hearing aid to something inside his head. he's had them for several years and they've helped tremendously. he never has a loud ringing sound anymore, for starters.
  7. thanks, but i wanted to remain anonymous. so much for that.
  8. i love maraschino cherries. clearly, you and i can never be BFFs.
  9. the money pit was fun. tom hanks and shelly long (before her massive box office hit, troop beverly hills).
  10. here's my question: if the refinery explosion was at a mobil-exxon place, then why are gas prices at ALL stations affected? it sounds like nothing but collusion that a 76 or ARCO station should have their prices go up if they're not buying gas from that refinery.
  11. the laws of physics are not going to be on charlotte's side in this battle, but who cares.
  12. van morrison . . . not a fan. don't get the big deal about him, either.
  13. i don't know a thing about sekera. not even sure what position he plays. hope he's decent and gels quickly with this team.
  14. man, i think you're 'misremembering' what a douche arod was about all of his PED use when it first came out. he lied over and over again and fought his suspension every step of the way. there wasn't a microphone he would talk to about how innocent he was, either. i don't have any respect for arod anymore. hamilton hasn't said anything yet about this, nor has he lied about what he may have done. i'm not sure respect is a word i want to use with him right now.
  15. this thread led me to decide to follow jose mota on twitter beginning this afternoon. i already know it's going to be magical.
  16. can the angels void his contract? is there room in the CBA for something like that under certain circumstances?
  17. from roy firestone on facebook: "Josh Hamilton is about to be suspended by MLB and reports are it's NOT about PEDS. If it IS about a drug related relapse this would be a terribly sad and tragic development. Hamilton disclosed a "fall" about three years ago during the offseason. If Hamilton is disciplined for drug use, it would be much worse than for PEDs and a life hangs in the balance, and we aren't talking about a baseball life."
  18. it was often portrayed as some kind of paradise. as long as the mullahs are in charge, however, i don't see that relationship ever being healed.
  19. police found the driver 1.6 miles away from the accident wandering rather aimlessly and in pain. KNX radio reported that he had "obvious injuries" but they didn't go into detail. what injuries does one get from abandoning their vehicle on the tracks? apparently his wife told reporters or investigators that he got stuck and paniced. not sure i buy into that.
  20. i'm having lunch with her tomorrow. i'll see what i can find out.
  21. i think clifford has developed into a more well rounded player. when he first got here he was more like westgarth, where his game was simply being a tough guy. but he's become a pretty darn good forechecker along with that, and we even see him skating a few shifts towards the end of the third period. good move to keep him (and nolan, too).
  22. a. david duval lost a lot of weight and his game went to crap. b. that looks like quite a bit more than 20 lbs. c. as long as his wife still looks the same, it's all good.
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