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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I wish the video wouldn't have quit right before Jesse and Al arrived.
  2. What a shameful abuse. This doesn't represent any Christian I know.
  3. Mid 40s here in the Seattle area. Had rain most of Saturday and all day Sunday. Looks like more rain tomorrow. I'm enjoying this quite a bit.
  4. Got to meet him last September thanks to Notti, Bruce, and Chuck. Would loved to have spent several hours with him hearing his stories of things the public didn't/wouldn't ever get to hear. Wasn't kirk Gibson hanging with him in the trainers room before hitting his epic game 1 homer? Man, the sports moments this guy witnessed. Thanks for everything, big Joe.
  5. That was impressive. They sure looked solid. Back in a playoff spot, too.
  6. Hey! You racist morons. Let's not short change the guy who dresses like a giant bumblebee.
  7. you're welcome. enjoy the future.
  8. i think it's both the people we elect and the system that we've allowed them to create. even new people coming in to office for the first time are showed how things work in the beltway and that they're expected to follow suit. i certainly didn't vote for lobbyists to have so much sway, but we can't seem to get rid of them or their massive influence.
  9. i'm flying out of LAX at 8:30 tomorrow morning. i hope barry's democratic check cashing doesn't screw with my schedule.
  10. i remember that it was a tuesday morning. my wife gets up early. she awakened me after the second plane hit the second tower. i didn't want to go to work. i just wanted to watch tv and see it all unfold. saw the first tower collapse, and then the second one fell right before i got off the freeway. i remember thinking it was silly to see all of the "have you seen this person?" posters people were putting up everywhere in manhatten. i figured there were probably 10-20k dead in the towers. it was also the first time i'd heard of osama bin laden and al qaeda.
  11. i remember there was also a big story about massive numbers of sharks along beaches in florida.
  12. dear jameis winston, this was probably not the best way to end your interview with the browns. a simple "i'm not really interested in playing in cleveland" would have sufficed. good luck in jacksonville.
  13. uh oh. do we have a new movie about north korea coming out?
  14. so lisa's a raiders fan? i hate when that happens.
  15. stopped reading at "golf superstar patrick reed".
  16. It comes off looking extremely unpatriotic to try and ban the flag. It also comes off looking insulting to those who served and died under the flag to give us the way of life we all enjoy now. That said, the freedoms represented by the flag include the freedom to disagree. To portray the flag only as a symbol of aggression and racism isn't accurate at all. It's extremely bad form for any leadership body to vote on things like this as a matter of policy. If you don't want to fly the flag, then don't fly it.
  17. We have an 8th grade boy that occasionally likes to spray axe on himself after PE class right by the lockers, which is right by my room. Smells awful, but it's probably better than what than a normal sweaty 14 year old smells like.
  18. How long before the finale is aired do you know the results? If you can't answer here I understand.
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