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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i've seen 3 or 4 versions of the laura bush was a classier first lady than michelle, always by friends on the very, very far right. in fact, there was one this morning which was why i posted this one.
  2. we used it last week in portland. it was helpful.
  3. you're lucky i'm not there to backhand you for such an impudent comment against such a mighty school.
  4. they seemed to have found that playoff gear they've been lacking. solid game all the way around tonight. four beautiful goals, too. jeremy roenick and the studio guys were talking about it, too. they played like it was april tonight.
  5. having a catcher who can hit well and have a great squat seems to be kryptonite to this organization.
  6. i would've liked to have a dew with nixon and reagan. tip o'neill probably would've been a lot of fun, too. as for the living, probably rudy giuliani.
  7. not that there's anything wrong with that.
  8. i really like this thread. oh, and bewbs.
  9. hope this works out better than the picture of four angels free agents picture from a year ago.
  10. i look forward to our local sports media, sharp as always, trying to pronounce his name.
  11. she's had another surgery, this time to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes, and once again it's a pre-emptive effort to prevent getting a deadly cancer. she's had three female family members die of breast or ovarian cancer, and she wanted to get ahead of it since she had some sort of genetic predisposition for the same thing. pretty bold move on her part.
  12. if that means she's cancelling her plans to be mayor of glendale, then fine by me.
  13. "pure alcohol consumption"? so this is like rubbing alcohol or something?
  14. debris field in a very treacherous area. recovery efforts are going to be terribly difficult on this one. reports are there were two infants on board.
  15. this is the one that screams "i need validation!!!" the loudest.
  16. this stuff hurts to read. this is someone who will likely never rise above where she is now. how does she make a better life for herself?
  17. solid win tonight. good to see martinez back out there. i hope richards can contribute.
  18. more wimps. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/massachusetts-high-school-middle-controversy-over-american-themed-dance
  19. I'd like to be surprised to hear that people are lazy morons who don't clean up after themselves, but seeing what they do to movie theaters and airplanes makes this not so surprising.
  20. "No one can discern you from the basic bitches at Starbucks". LOL.
  21. the difference between obama is a mooslim and cruz is a Christian. we don't like mooslims very much right now.
  22. out of a playoff spot again. gonna be like this until the last day of the season.
  23. confirmed that richards was recalled. KNX radio this afternoon said they hoped he would bring an offensive spark. i'm guessing no one at KNX has watched him play this year.
  24. i watched the first half of the duke game friday. for as good as these guys are, they sure acted like giant dbags against robert morris. what a bunch of arrogant clowns. hope they go down quickly.
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