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Everything posted by Tank

  1. that'll be a pretty impressive accomplishment in only 94 games.
  2. enjoy second place! #imkickingyourbuttthisweek
  3. i think just about the last place on earth i'd want to get my engine revved up is at a men's prison.
  4. Let's take their water. Maybe they won't notice.
  5. ABC news has reported there are a number of other states who already have the same statute on the books or have it pending.
  6. decided to put some peanut butter on my toast this morning. Opened the brand new jar I bought last week only to find it had already been opened. Wife and daughter hadn't touched it. So basically someone at the grocery store opened the jar, took off the protective wrapping, took a big spoonful, and the replaced it on the shelf for some unsuspecting sucker like me to purchase thinking it was brand new. And no, I didn't eat the toast. I gave it to stick boy.
  7. why are they still taxing people to use that bridge? isn't it paid for yet?
  8. no surprises in this. i imagine my landlord will want to look at our front lawn and figure out if that's what we really need. at school, i recycle plastic bottles and have done so for years. when i find bottles around the campus, i'll take them to my room. some of the bottles still have water in them that the kids didn't drink, so i've been collecting that to take home and use on the lawn. there's a place in my room where the kids put their water bottles. those that have water left, i combine them into one bottle until it's filled before taking it home. a couple of weeks ago, i had six or seven of these bottles filled with water. came back from the weekend to discover i only had two left. i have no idea what happened to the other four or five. there's a chinese group that uses my room on sundays, and my fear is that someone may have thought these were brand new bottles of drinking water.
  9. yesterday the indiana governor said they were going to relook at the amendment. the speaker of the house said the same thing a couple of days ago. interested to see where this goes.
  10. my interest in this post is more about what it took to cut out that part of the quarter. that must have been some tough work to do.
  11. i recently purchased another itunes gift card. i like using them because they're not tied in to my bank account and it helps control how much i spend. at the time of my purchase, my account had something like sixty-three cents in it, which isn't enough to buy anything. got me to wondering how many people have used those gift cards and left money on them that never gets used. you have to buy another gift card in order to use up the remaining amount, and maybe eventually you'll be lucky enough to zero out your account. but i'm guessing there are literally thousands and thousands of dollars (when all gift card amounts are totaled up) that go unused every year. pretty good scam, apple.
  12. i can't begin to tell you how much i wish this article would have been printed tomorrow instead of today.
  13. is the guy with the shovel actually working or just standing there looking like he's about to work?
  14. If you're one to get overexcited about "Tiger Woods Is Back" anecdotes, prepare yourself. Here's how he described it: "The best example of the progress Tiger made over the last two-to-three weeks is the worst-ball 66 he shot at Medalist Golf Club. That's where he takes the worst of two drives, the worst of the two approach shots, the putt that's either furthest away from the hole or the chip that's furthest away from the hole. And then if he makes birdie he has to validate. So if he makes a 10-footer for birdie he has to make another 10-footer for birdie. To go around that golf course, shoot six under in those conditions where you can't hide, obviously, you can't hide a weakness, and you think about the course record he shot there — 62 in 2011 — this round could conceivably be considered better." that's pretty darn impressive.
  15. i'm guessing they have dedicated pages for all things yankees, red sox, duke, ray lewis, and lebron, and that it takes at least 15 mouse clicks to finally uncover where they've buried their hockey news.
  16. i agree with you about new york, but california seems to have been abandoned by the republicans when it comes to the national election. for the last few presidential elections, the republicans don't really seem to be trying much at all out here. their lack of presence and effort has been very noticeable. in fact, i'm not sure that president barry was out here during the 2012 campaign very much at all - certainly not as often as he's here to pick up his fundraising checks.
  17. wow. 50-60k to run the wiring for just one house? i'm calling bull on that. there's got to be a better solution.
  18. went there for a class trip many, many years ago. three days seemed to be ample for us. the beauty there is impressive, so make sure you have a good camera. i recommend monterey. they've done a lot to build up their cannery row in recent years, and the aquarium is excellent, something your kids will especially enjoy. one or two days there would be fine, unless you're a golfer (then you'd want about a week). gilroy is not too far away and they have an outlet mall there for your shopping needs.
  19. six hours a day? how does someone do that for that long, and for more than one day? i imagine the patio furniture would be at great risk at that point.
  20. apparently it's not the part of him that controls humor.
  21. thanks for the vote of confidence. i think i still have a year of eligibility left. we're gonna run el camino's offense next year, i can tell you that.
  22. hey, comments like this belong in the weather thread, as in "things that will happen before socal gets normal rainfall." you better hope AO doesn't see what you've done here.
  23. boy, chicago was just relentless last night. put it in the rearview mirror, boys, and get ready for the next one. any loss has the potential to be a fatal blow at this point. they've got to bring the business.
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