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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i would think both chicago stadiums would be replete with great pizza and great hot dogs, but it sounds like they both are severely lacking.
  2. "Globe Life Park is riding this whole bacon thing HARD. Like a state fair underwritten by cardiologists seeking work, Arlington's "Just Bacon" stand offers bacon cotton candy, bacon lollipops, bacon beer, bacon sunflower seeds, and chicken-fried bacon on a stick." "You may want to consider drinking at Fenway-adjacent bars rather than endure MLB's most expensive beer prices inside the park, especially when there's the possibility of being charged by an outfielder and hit with an errant slice of pizza at the same time." (ha ha, brilliant!) "Yup, the Kirin Ichiban frozen drafts come with a layer of chilly foam that both keeps your brew cold and protects it from spillage. Comes in handy when the dude behind you rocking a well-worn Andruw Jones jersey gets too raucous or the peanut guy accidentally grooves one to you." "If you’re going to do the “hey we made a crazy food item” thing... THIS is how you do it. Nachos on a stick. Wisconsin loves frying stuff. They love cheese. And foods on sticks are sensibly portable. Good work, Milwaukee." "And to truly remind you that you’re not a professional athlete, there’s the straightforward State Fair Classic: fried apple pies, fried pork chop on a stick, and fried pickles." " The Murderers' Row of food includes Dungeness crab sandwiched between slices of garlic butter sourdough, Caribbean-style bibimbap, and the model ballpark garlic fries (no wonder Pablo Sandoval got so fat here)." i like this guy's writing style.
  3. anyone watching the par 3 contest today? i'm always at work and never get to see it. niall from one direction posted a video of support for fellow irishman rory mcilroy and rumors are that he's caddying for rory today. my daughter ran into the living room practically shouting at me to record it. i forgot to set the DVR.
  4. well, obviously, your responsibility here is to slip her a shiv and let her shank someone so she can do more time and THEN have the state pay for her surgery.
  5. He had a lot of swagger in the press tent today. That's what you want to see from him.
  6. what do you think? http://www.app.com/story/life/family/relationships/2015/04/06/reasons-marriage-just-work-anymore/25349495/
  7. i think everything will cost less than the bullet train.
  8. that's a great idea about new houses and buildings. i've seen a couple of schools that have built shade structures over their parking lots and the top of those structures have solar panels. saves the cars from over heating during the day and collects quite a bit of free energy in the process. maybe a reasonable approach is to make solar more for residential use and traditional energy for commercial needs. and i'll be honest - if we lose the horn-billed titmouse so that you and i can have water, i think i'm probably inclined to accept that.
  9. i don't know enough about the galaxy phones to understand, but i was wondering if someone could explain the difference between the galaxy 6S and the galaxy 6S edge.
  10. someone mentioned that the red sox like to overpay so i thought i'd drop in that the dodgers opening day payroll yesterday was a robust $270 mil, which included some 40 mil to guys who are no longer on the roster. $21 mil per seems like the kind of contract the doggies would have dropped on someone like porcello.
  11. solar energy is the best source for whatever energy needs desalination will require. it's cheap and so very readily available here. why we're not jumping all over this is as mysterious to me as stonehenge.
  12. pretty good article: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2014/05/_10_percent_of_california_s_water_goes_to_almond_farming.html "Though economics drive the seemingly improbable logic of California’s water exporting, that’s no reason to rush to boycott almonds. As this viral infographic fromMother Jones shows, it takes more than a gallon of water to grow a single almond, and it may take 220 gallons of water to produce a large avocado. But pound-for-pound, there’s an order of magnitude more water needed to get meat and dairy to your plate. A stick of butter requires more than 500 gallons of water to make. A pound of beef takes up to 5,000 gallons. More than 30 percent of California’s agricultural water use either directly or indirectly supports growing animals for food. (As Slate’s L.V. Andersonrecently wrote, one of the single most effective actions to combat climate change would be if everyone in the world went vegetarian overnight. It would also likely wreck our economy.)"
  13. i whole heartedly agree with you. common sense has to be applied here, and as red so well said, sustainability is vitally important. there's such a huge profit to be made from growing almonds, however, that it's going to be tough to ask farmers to stop growing them (if that's the best option). i imagine the cost of switching your farm from almonds to tomatoes would also be very expensive. i hope there are some smart people figuring out solutions to these difficult issues.
  14. yeah, that was a good thing for him to do. he told the reporters afterwards that he was trying out some new wedges specifically for augusta (as opposed to what he usually plays with in florida). found what he wanted and is ready to go.
  15. coach K has won 3 of his 5 national championships in indianapolis.
  16. Ray McKigney Not My Cat Black Beard Kenny Lawrence you each need to pick a new number (or worlds will collide!)
  17. back to the original idea in this thread, i gotta say i am greatly intrigued by the idea of a business person running the country. back in '92 ross perot was such an interesting candidate - he would have probably failed miserably in foreign relations, but his business ideas for fixing the economy were worth listening to. maybe that's the kind of person we need now instead of a career politician. i don't know if carly fiorino is that person, but i'm willing to listen to her ideas.
  18. boy, moving from vegas to the oregon coast? talk about a change in climate. i love the PNW and would love to move there. if you can handle the isolation of las vegas, you should be fine in a place like astoria.
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