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Everything posted by Tank

  1. curious . . . why do college football teams have such huge rosters? some teams are so huge that they've got guys sharing numbers (i think during the rose bowl last year there were 3 players on oregon wearing #8, for example). why carry so many players?
  2. a day later and this post still baffles me.
  3. I dearly wish I would have been issued a completely new SS number after our house was broken in to last fall. I don't have any expectation that our thief will be caught, making it always possible that whoever has my number may try to use it. I have alerts with all the credit bureaus and get a monthly report, but I wish I had a new number.
  4. Took the 8t.h graders to the park for lunch today. Perfect weather. My wife was also able to come and join us.
  5. Wow, the Geek is very strong today. Should be fun to watch this one though I think I'll avoid opening weekend and all the crowded theaters.
  6. ^^^ i agree. some minor things here and there to enhance the overall experience. i always liked the original outfield where the Big A was in left and was used as a scoreboard, plus the cars on the freeway could look into the ballpark. they got part of that done right in '98. i wonder how they can restore the Big A to it's rightful place.
  7. this makes a lot of sense. he's not working out with the team, nor does it appear he's keeping in contact with anyone. and he's well past the time it usually takes to rehab from the surgery. i'm sure he's also probably not too excited about returning to a work environment where the guys in charge have publicly ripped him and are making overtures about firing him. hopefully sosh will get to see him in the next four days. got to be a really tough position for everyone to be in.
  8. he'll always hold a special place in team history. i hope he can get the help he needs.
  9. i don't drink alcohol and i've worked hard to eliminate soda from my diet. i still don't understand why you're so offended at the idea of how products are marketed. your condescending tone really makes you look childish. if ecigs have worked for you and others to get off of the more dangerous tobacco, terrific. it's likely they don't work for every single person that's out there, however.
  10. from CaliAngelFan Tank, on 15 Apr 2015 - 11:19 PM, said: Just as my late great east-coast step-grandfather used to call me and my younger brother, you sir, sound like a "California Sissy Boy" skin cancer. plastic seats so hot that if you're sitting in the sun they can burn your skin. sun burn. none of these things enhance the fan experience for me. a retractable roof on super hot days (like 95* plus) would be useful for fans without affecting the game one iota. Tank, on 15 Apr 2015 - 11:19 PM, said: Who eats pizza at a baseball game? no one, because their pizza sucks. anything wrong with having another option?
  11. but me having insurance before obamacare did not come at your expense. that's not the case for a lot of people now.
  12. i like the idea of having a pool in the outfield like they do in arizona (except put in 24 hour guards so no dodgers ever get anywhere near it). maybe make the pool larger so that it's not just for a private party and more fans can use it. i also like the idea of a retractable roof since i hate sitting in the sun during hot days. do we have good pizza at the ball park? if not, we should fix that.
  13. you sure seem to bristle at this idea, poozy, like you've got some skin in the game. why is that? why so offended at the idea that companies that peddle poison do so with bright colors and pretty pictures that appeal to kids? or the idea that they're sold at liquor/convenience stores, places kids are known to shop at.
  14. i think maybe you're stuck in a round room trying to find the corner, buddy.
  15. Driving on the fwy today I saw a corvette with a trailer hitch on the back bumper. I can't imagine why anyone would do this.
  16. When I eat refried beans, other people get sleepy. Or pass out. Same dif.
  17. i'll bet west hollywood has lots of gay homos.
  18. "I do wonder if that's even legal. Our cash clearly says that "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." While businesses may have the right to refuse cash, can a government outlaw the use of cash? That seems pretty extreme. " absolutely. we've entered a very frightening era. from federal agencies tracking our phone calls and emails to the suggestion of embedding RSA chips in people to state lawmakers wanting to put boxes in our cars that track where we drive to now putting a ban on using cash. why does our gov't feel the need to invasively know our every move? oh, that's right - terrorism. we are doomed.
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