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Everything posted by Tank

  1. here's iannetta over those same last 6 seasons: .197 .238 .240 .225 .252 and .094 so far this year it doesn't make a compelling argument to go out and pick up salty, nor does it give us a compelling reason to keep playing iannetta. we need a catcher that can hit and field well. maybe this new kid will have something better to offer.
  2. Just watched some golf channel stuff and saw the world rankings. How in the world is Sergio Garcia 10th?
  3. Those are interesting but tough greens. There are times I think tiered greens are fun and times I think they blow goats. All depends on how the round is going.
  4. When our parents pass, they'll be leaving some things, things like money and property that they've already paid taxes on. When the gov't taxes you and me for receiving these things, it's a second tax on the same money, land or property. Why is that even an option? ITS ALREADY BEEN TAXED BY THE GOVT. I don't mind (too much) paying my fair share, but this isn't fair. It's a double tax, and it should be illegal.
  5. I agree about using common sense. Just because we CAN make fun of the prophet doesn't mean we SHOULD make fun of the prophet. It serves no purpose right now other than to be ammunition for the extremists.
  6. Agree with you, mt. I'm left wondering why jade helm is going to take two months to carry out.
  7. That Sosh has a cousin who runs the Marlins front office.
  8. i will not be surprised if we get to heaven and find out there aren't any people there from insurance companies. *apologies to nate
  9. there was one episode early on in their relationship where sue asked her parents if it was okay with her parents if brad went into her room, even though he was a boy and it wasn't allowed. frankie and mike were "oh yeah, go right ahead! fine with us!"
  10. how are his throwing-to-first-while-the-runner-steals-second skills?
  11. ouch. were they really big greens and you were on in regulation, but were 65 feet away?
  12. there's a part of me that cringes when i see some of these churches that have gone to extreme lengths in what they build. i'm also not a fan at all of pastors driving expensive cars and living in huge houses. "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be, also." living like a boss while here should never be the goal.
  13. but it's a dry heat here, arch. nevermind.
  14. i wish wopphil would get a profile picture. it bugs me that he doesn't have one, like having that one song in your playlist that doesn't have album artwork with it. fix this, phil. fix it now.
  15. took my 7th graders to medieval times today. my goal, as always, is to make the princess laugh (it's been the same chick for the last four years and she's always stiff as a board and never breaks character). had a game plan and was going to tell her a couple of jokes as we always stand next to each other in the group photo before the show. got there today and discovered there's a new princess. she was fun and engaging and i really enjoyed meeting her (there's a new king as well). she was a lot of fun and very personable.
  16. started reading "the best of the last", which is a collection of the best articles jim murray wrote as his career was winding down. it's terrific. every time i read one of his columns, i kick myself for not having read them while he was alive and writing several every week. what a gifted writer he was.
  17. that might be the most honest description i've ever read on this board about anything.
  18. and the daughter is named sue sue heck. not a typo - first name and middle name are the same because one of the parents goofed up on the birth certificate.
  19. hope you're not on a plane when it happens.
  20. uh, you're ruining the pissing party here. knock it off with your crazy facts and information.
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