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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I edited to give it a bit more clarity for those who may not know about his political aspirations. Sorry, Lou.
  2. does this apply to our very own Glen, who's considering a presidential run next year?
  3. That pic of Billary would make a great "caption this photo" thread.
  4. I don't watch it. Or cnn either. To me, both of them are filled with way too much commentary and analysis, and not enough news coverage. If I want just simple straight forward information and news then I tend to tune in to One America News.
  5. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. This group of protestors needs some wisdom.
  6. Those are just ever so slightly better than what I can do.
  7. Up next: a helicopter tour of the Statue of Liberty.
  8. saw on the news last night that texas has had so much rain this year, they are now officially out of their drought.
  9. it's better than some states (i'm looking at you, illinois) and worse than others.
  10. someone has apparently forgotten the worlds greatest volleyball game from that movie. i'll forgive your for such an egregious omission, but it'll probably take a little while.
  11. i've been a fan of jets for a long time, but without any direct military experience, i'm missing some details. i've tried to get info whenever there's an opportunity but nothing beats firsthand knowledge from those who have it. thanks.
  12. thanks for all of the quality information, ocho and arch.
  13. would you like more tabasco soup, las vegas? i like mine with those little crackers.
  14. nate, it's hard to believe a song with such beautiful harmonies like that hasn't caught on yet.
  15. sounds like the basis for a fun monty python skit.
  16. the narration is dull and a bit long, but the concept is pretty awesome. http://laist.com/2015/02/16/confusing_110_freeway_sign.php
  17. haven't read the article yet, but i'd imagine the dots connect this way: we're worried that iran has nuclear capability. if isis gets ahold of that, no doubt they'll use it.
  18. many of the libs here flip out over things fox news does, the one conservative news organization that's out there. juan savage is getting treated the same way. this is fun to watch.
  19. "But Rusty Hicks, who heads the county Federation of Labor and helps lead the Raise the Wage coalition, said Tuesday night that companies with workers represented by unions should have leeway to negotiate a wage below that mandated by the law. "With a collective bargaining agreement, a business owner and the employees negotiate an agreement that works for them both. The agreement allows each party to prioritize what is important to them," Hicks said in a statement. "This provision gives the parties the option, the freedom, to negotiate that agreement. And that is a good thing." wow, talk about political double-speak. i'm guessing mr. hicks will be running for public office some day with rhetoric like that.
  20. wow, i hope GM doesn't see this picture. they'll throw a fit.
  21. yes, more taxes are always the way to go.
  22. my family grew up with old cadillacs, so i enjoyed seeing the double decker one they created. the cars were interesting, to say the least. i got a kick out of several of them.
  23. given the ordnance that we're using, is the plane that delivers it as important now as it used to be? the A10 is known as a tank buster, but is it vital that THAT plane be the one that delivers THAT ordnance? can the ordnance be adapted for use on another plane? this is probably a very civilian question, so thanks for your patience in answering. i'm enjoying this conversation, arch and ocho.
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