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Everything posted by Tank

  1. she's not in the OC but there's this old lady named caitlyn jenner who seems to be getting a lot of (unnecessary) attention.
  2. my next teaching session begins next tuesday at 10:00 am. p.s. i'd like my old clubs back, too.
  3. thanks, ukyah. looking forward to it.
  4. more than likely playing for the raiders, not MLB.
  5. that's not it at all, arch. this whole $15 an hour movement is a false flag. if labor costs go up, then product costs will also go up. and if product costs go up, all of us are affected, and those wanting the wage increase are not going to gain much of anything. this is like spinning tires in the mud - they're not really making any progress.
  6. polanski should have been in jail long ago. he's never taken responsibility for what he did, and gone to great lengths to avoid responsibility.
  7. yes, i caught last night's episode. interesting stuff. was last night the first episode?
  8. uh, excuse us? we don't appreciate being put behind the royals in your faulty opinion. sincerely, the boston red sawks
  9. stories circulating that justin williams will be willing to return for some kind of home team discount.
  10. yeah, this is especially curious since sosh called quite a few of the pitches then.
  11. it happens every once in a great while. the reality is, not a single person here knows what kind of leader getzlaf is, especially inside the room with the team. unless he's shirking his duties or just not very effective at leading or being followed, don't expect the captaincy to be removed from him.
  12. still wondering why anyone would want to eat animal testicles, and then celebrate such a nasty thing with a festival.
  13. tough to lose a series after being up 3-2. i don't think goaltending was your biggest problem, fwiw. little defensive breakdowns here and there against a team as good as the blackhawks can be fatal.
  14. ask calscuf. he's really the local expert on this kind of activity.
  15. do you feel like your reps on DC really have an interest in what is best for you? i don't, and i think most americans think the same. i think in the case of what politics has become, it's important to try and return power to the people, not the corporations. in that case, it would absolutely be okay to tell others what can (or can't) do.
  16. this happened sometime between '65 and '81. what took so long for this to come out?
  17. was planning to run for governor of delaware next year, too.
  18. Whew! I was thisclose to buying a Krauss jersey.
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