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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Lightning in SoCal? LOL. We'd have to have storm clouds first.
  2. I'm not going to add Tiger again until he shows he can play. He isn't competitive and has too many problems to work through.
  3. Norman hasn't been terrible to listen to, but he could up the ante on being more interesting. I have issues with the telecast and the camera angles they use for some shots. Also, there were a lot of promises of showing us new information/technology, but they've hardly used it. They've also had some issues with losing track of the ball flight a fair number of times.
  4. hey nate, i have an INO less than half a mile from my house. i may go today, i may not. i can always go tomorrow. or the next day.
  5. this is a well-reasoned approach, and would make for a good starting point in a discussion about updating the interpretation of the amendment.
  6. trial for voynov starts on july 6 or so. kings still on the hook for his salary unless he gets convicted or traded. no word on what's going on with Stoll. team appears close to a new deal with jones. still have to wrap up Toffoli and start the process of a new contract with Kopitar (who amazingly is still only 27).
  7. the next time there's real hockey, baseball will be having playoffs and football will be a month into it's schedule. as a sports fan, i like october.
  8. so far i'm feeling very glad about picking dustin johnson.
  9. the grass on the greens looks diseased, worse than what they had at riviera for the '95 PGA. i also don't like that the greens are very undefined. doesn't play well on tv.
  10. Somebody who's been wrongly accused in one of these police takeovers needs to get the court process going so they can eventually get this to the SCOTUS.
  11. So what you're telling me is that Jurassic World's new box office record is safe. Whew!
  12. your team just won the stanley cup again, and yet you're a bit cranky two days later. shame, cory.
  13. at least we won't have to suffer through chris barman.
  14. people tend to get a bit distracted with other things around here from time to time.
  15. one thing that has me intrigued about this course is that the setup can be changed on some of the holes each day. there's one par 4 that was mentioned on the golf channel yesterday as having the ability to become a par 5 if they use a different tee box. there's also a par 3 (#17?) that from one tee box plays about 25 yards downhill and plays shorter, but from another tee box plays uphill and plays longer, even though it's yardage is shorter than from the downhill tee box.
  16. "-Larry Wilmore: “Sorry lady, you are white, you don’t get an opinion on this. This is not a Buzzfeed quiz — Which ‘Living Single’ character are you?”
  17. i think the appropriate response is to pull the student who used the slur and have a serious talk with him about what he said and why it's not okay. if it's a widespread problem with several kids in the class, then you look to have a class solution, like some kind of sensitivity lesson or about bullying in different forms. and by all means, make sure your administrator and your parents are on board with something like that. reading a book about two gay princes falling in love simply because one kid in your class called another kid gay seems a bit heavy-handed.
  18. reason #47324581293 not to visit wisconsin.
  19. make the trip, but get to know your neighbors first and clue them in on what's happening with her. if she doesn't have any health or mobility problems, you should be fine. doctor is (presumably) nearby, as is the hospital, and it sounds like there are people to help if something should happen. once you get back from the hospital, be johnny on the spot and do more for her than you normally would. don't let that die off, either, after your kid is born.
  20. i like to see precision on a golf course, where there are certain places to hit it, and certain places where you can miss but not be up the creek. the u.s. open setup allows really for just one style of play and not a whole lot of anything else. there's nothing more unfair to me than a green that won't accept a properly lofted shot. i hope this place isn't a disaster, but watching that video of the rock hard greens and the greens that won't accept water isn't a very good sign. we also get joe buck and greg norman on the telecast by fox. oh boy.
  21. Maybe it's just me, but an accomplishment based on an entire seasons worth of work doesn't seem like a "moment." I wouldn't rank it very high at all.
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