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Everything posted by Tank

  1. good job on your research, don. it seems the "confederate flag" was a very fluid situation. when people talk about the confederate flag that is flying in south carolina's capitol and cite it as a symbol of their heritage, they're not really being very accurate historically.
  2. there was a question to the Christians about when marriage was instituted. the answer from the bible seemed rather relevant in answering the question. and before you start dusting off passages from deuteronomy, please note that i didn't post about anything else other than when we as Christians believe that marriage was instituted.
  3. i have a book at school filled with all kinds of civil war flags. what people consider the confederate flag today was actually a confederate naval flag according to my book. the confederate flag was actually called the stars and bars. it looked like this, for those who don't know:
  4. i was talking to my brother yesterday about trump, and how he's such a loose cannon. my brother pointed out that trump can be a loose cannon because he's not beholden to donors or the party as he's financing this campaign by himself. he can pretty much say what he wants and not worry about repercussions from the party leadership. at some point he'll have to address that tactic if he's really picking up support from voters, but it was an interesting point i hadn't considered. will it mean i vote for trump now? no.
  5. fair enough, don, and that's a fair thing to bring up. there's the practical matter of the gov't being involved in marriage because of property rights, parental rights, and other legal issues. but i'm changing my view on just how much the gov't should be involved.
  6. that's a very well written, thoughtful essay. i like the way he said it, and i think he's correct.
  7. Genesis 2:24, 25 describes the creation of Eve. From the ESV bible "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man (Adam) and his wife (Eve) were both naked and were not ashamed." As Christians, we hold that marriage was instituted by God Himself in the Garden of Eden during creation week. So we believe that the institution of marriage goes back to the very beginning of man's existence on this planet.
  8. you may not believe in something but that doesn't make it irrelevant.
  9. hey, get busy living or get busy dieing.
  10. i'm assuming you went ahead and bought the malibu.
  11. thank goodness this was about a cubs player. i was worried we had yet another new halo on the roster that i'd never heard of.
  12. i'm having lunch with @bigjohn tomorrow. i'll see what i can find out.
  13. franklin graham, son of evangelist billy graham, said that because marriage was instituted by God, it should not be redefined by the SCOTUS. i thought that was an interesting point.
  14. one of my former students was just diagnosed with whooping cough. she picked it up from her niece, who was one of those infected at disneyland.
  15. here's a story about richards being on waivers. http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/13163222/mike-richards-pierre-alexandre-parenteau-mark-fistric-placed-unconditional-waivers wish it would have worked out better for him. i really liked him, but you can't pay almost 6 mil per for a guy that scores 10-15 points.
  16. LOL, this is brilliant. https://twitter.com/hallsy04/status/614574720285958144
  17. nice deal, adam. i've always wanted to play that course. TPC courses are fantastic.
  18. Marco Rubio Republicanon economic, social, environmental, healthcare, immigration, and education issues. - 79% Mike Huckabee Republicanon social, domestic policy, healthcare, and environmental issues. - 78% Rick Santorum Republicanon social, economic, immigration, healthcare, and education issues. - 77% Ted Cruz Republicanon social, immigration, healthcare, and education issues. - 71% Chris Christie Republicanon economic, healthcare, social, and education issues. - 69% Jeb Bush Republican on social, immigration, and healthcare issues. - 69% Rick Perry Republican on economic, social, and education issues. - 68% Lindsey Graham Republican on social, immigration, healthcare, and education issues. - 68% Rand Paul Republican on economic, immigration, and education issues. - 67% Ben Carson Republican on foreign policy and social issues. - 67% Scott Walker Republican on economic and social issues. - 64% Bernie Sanders Democrat on domestic policy and environmental issues. - 61% Hillary Clinton Democrat on domestic policy and foreign policy issues. - 59% Carly Fiorina Republican on social and healthcare issues. - 44% Martin O'Malley Democrat on domestic policy issues. - 32%
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