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Everything posted by Tank

  1. yeah, but it's hawaii. humid hawaii >>> humid california
  2. i like christie. i can see myself voting for him. i like his presence and confidence. the others just seem smarmy. or maybe he seems less smarmy.
  3. Can you imagine if they start trying to destroy the pyramids? Oh man. If I'm Egypt, I'm thinking this is probably a really good time to secretly move some of my most valued artifacts out of the country quietly.
  4. I'm having lunch with Greece tomorrow. I'll see what I can find out. Looks like I'll be paying, too.
  5. I'm thinking he goes full Napoli on us and hits 7 or 8 homers.
  6. It's pretty laughable to think that Stoneman would be a yes man. He wasn't before, and he certainly won't be one now. I think some people have very short memories.
  7. counting down the days until i can buy a fidel castro t-shirt. it'll pair well with my che t-shirt.
  8. and obviously there are people who disagree with you.
  9. if jerry was putting info together that could have helped the players and the team, and the manager wouldn't use it and the owner supported him, that could easily equate to a hostile work environment. it's a part of the job he was hired for, and he's being point blank dismissed. not a good situation. sosh has a pretty good layer of insulation around him, so i'm not expecting we'll hear much about how he conducts business in his clubhouse. but it seems pretty clear (again) that he's running the show and no one, not even the GM, is going to question how he does things. sosh has become our version of col. jessup.
  10. five pages in and not one mention of dusting off the Xbox. you guys are as misaligned as vernon wells at home plate.
  11. i may not have any experience, but frankly, i'm a bit miffed at your condemnation of my unknown skillset for a job i've never performed. i'm putting you on my list.
  12. if he had lost respect from the manager and the owner, and if they were preventing him from doing his job as he was promised, he was absolutely 100% correct to quit now. there's a lot we don't know still, so as things are revealed, which we know won't be much, it'll be interesting to see what comes out. would you tolerate a hostile work environment that was keeping you from doing the job you were promised and making your miserable in the process?
  13. you suck. olives, onions, and pineapple/green bell peppers, FTW.
  14. LA mayor Eric Garcetti looks like Phil Dunphy from Modern Family.
  15. He's prone to be a tool, but he's tough, also.
  16. while his foundation does great work, tiger himself is a notoriously lousy tipper. plenty of stories about him being a real tool about it.
  17. man, i thought there was something fishy. i remember the f23 but always wondered what happened to it.
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