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Everything posted by Tank

  1. yeah, i did pretty well also. i picked up danny lee for this week.
  2. who cares about WAR, strad.
  3. hitting backwards: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2541514-batter-hits-home-run-on-backward-swing?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=programming-league
  4. i respect kane's ridiculous talent, but i think he's a dick. he reminds me of that arrogant kid in high school who was a bully and a dick, and always got away with it because he was an athlete.
  5. i think huckabee did alright, too, but i don't think he has nearly enough support. trump looked weak. i think the lack of preparation really was evident. maybe he approaches the next debate differently. Kasech kept trying to focus on all the jobs he created, not really answering questions very well. Jeb Bush did better than i expected.
  6. i've had a belly full of those "or your mattress is FREEEEEEEEE!!!" guy. enough already.
  7. one of the guys i used to sing with in my christian men's chorus (he passed away two years ago) skated for the t-birds for a little while. he knew john hall and ralphie valladerra. and could anyone ever forget richmond 9-5171?
  8. great line from ben carson in his closing statements. he was mentioning how he hadn't said he was the first or only to do something, so he said "i'm the only one up here to operate on siamese twins, to operate on a baby still in the womb, and the only one to remove half of a brain, though if you've been to washington you'd think someone beat me to it."
  9. i'll be up in lake tahoe this weekend. interested to see what gas prices are like there, as well as along the highway going there.
  10. been interesting to watch tonight. got there a bit late, but think there has been quality discussion. Gov. Kasech seems a bit overwhelmed at times. I think Ben Carson is holding his own pretty well (he did well answering about hilary). Rand Paul has not looked very good at stretches, too confrontational. My wife doesn't like him at all. I think Gov. Walker has done pretty well, also. I'd like to see Gov. Christie get more questions. Cruz and Rubio just seem like the same guy to me.
  11. probably a good reason why he only has one career win.
  12. "make america great again" ought to be worth a chug or two.
  13. that's been one of the biggest revelations about social media. there are a ton of people out there that have no filter whatsoever. things that used to embarrass us are now made into posts for everyone to read.
  14. The chick on flip or flop, Christina, is due to have another baby in the next few weeks. And yes, she's a total hottie, until she starts talking like a valley girl.
  15. I liked Nebraska. Sure, the weather hits both ends of the extreme spectrum, but the people were nice and the atmosphere was completely relaxing. My former BIL was a also a member of the local country club and we could play 18 for only $20. It was a nice way to get out of the house, too.
  16. Ha, I've got 9 Furyks left also. Going rogue this week . . . I've got a couple of Asians on my roster.
  17. This thread is filled with lots of younger posters. Anyone who's been a fan for 30+ years knows that this team has had a staggering number of crappy pitchers, enough to challenge the amount of bandwidth on this site if we were to start discussing all of them. Signed, Hilly Hathaway
  18. You forgot the hashtag. We need America involved in this!
  19. the whole thing is going to be focused on trump, hoping he says more outrageous things. it'll be like how the news just swarmed around staples center after the lakers won, hoping they'd be able to catch the train wreck and violence outside as it happened. in the meantime, there are going to be some candidates that will be almost completely ignored, and it's guaranteed that we won't hear any substantive information from most of them. it'll be like listening to chris berman when an angels players is up to bat at the home run contest. i think the afternoon debate will be more interesting, to be honest. and i won't be surprised if after this debate, 3 or 4 candidates drop out, knowing that they won't ever be heard above the noise of the donald and his sideshow. my biggest question going in to this is whether or not trump will come off looking like he understands the issues and is a serious candidate. the word out of his camp is that he doesn't like to practice and will be firing from the hip tomorrow night. his people really have no idea what he's going to say.
  20. alex, i'll take esteban yan for a billion, please.
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